
E-mails prompt requests for probe of Air Force secretary

Air Force official allegedly made promises in exchange for OMB support of a controversial proposal to lease 100 Boeing tankers.


Senate panel rejects fixed term for national intelligence director

Governmental Affairs Committee also rejects move to give proposed director personnel authority over all intelligence agencies.


Air Force grounds 29 refueling tankers over safety issue

The order comes amid a flurry of disputes over the Air Force's tanker replacement plan.


Senators unveil bipartisan intelligence overhaul bill

Measure would create a national intelligence director with considerable budget and personnel authority.


Congress, White House urged to streamline national security appointments

9/11 commissioners recommend eliminating Senate scrutiny of some appointees.


Pentagon official, House Dems spar over terrorism report

Democrats criticized the administration and congressional leaders for not moving quickly enough on the commission's recommendations.


Lawmaker warns of changing Pentagon intelligence role

Handing control of strategic assets to the new intelligence director may not be wise, according to House Armed Services Chairman Duncan Hunter.


Fight emerging in authorization bill over troop strength

Pentagon officials have lobbied for the lowest figure possible.


Pentagon to probe energy services contract award

Reliant Energy Solutions East was indicted for its role in the California energy crisis of 2000-01.


House, Senate send Defense appropriations bill to president

$417.5 billion measure cuts $1.6 billion from President Bush's budget request.


Contractors contend spending bill would stifle competition

The $417.5 billion defense bill would extend provisions on outsourcing Pentagon civilian personnel jobs.


Appropriators take aim at high-profile Pentagon projects

All three services hit with funding cuts, restructuring plans and reporting requirements on big weapons programs.


Conferees finish $418 billion Defense appropriations bill

Conference report is $1.6 billion below President Bush's budget request.


Senator probes Pentagon energy contract

Democrat investigates Defense Department’s agreement with subsidiary of firm indicted for role in California energy crisis.


Congress urged to address aging Defense helicopters

Modernization of fleet necessary, but lawmakers will face tough budget, technology choices.


Lawmakers look after home military installations

As fall elections approach, bases in home states and districts get extra attention.


Senate passes defense authorization bill

The $447 billion measure includes $25 billion in emergency contingency funds for Iraq and Afghanistan.