
Spending bills will top Senate agenda, likely through weekend

Senate will spend the weekend working through an omnibus appropriations bill and will return to the health debate next week.


House Dems consider two-part omnibus plan for endgame

Continuing resolution expires Dec. 18 and seven appropriations bills are pending.


Speaker dislikes surtax to pay for war

Pelosi also says House members will seek more details on Obama's Afghanistan plan so they can "make some judgment about the nature of the threat."


Lawmakers eye new spending extension

A senior House Republican aide said the new resolution is likely to fund the government until Dec. 15.


House majority leader 'frustrated' by slow pace in Senate

The House has passed all 12 fiscal 2010 spending bills, but few of them have moved through the Senate.


Lawmakers will focus on spending bills next week

One-month continuing resolution to keep government running past Sept. 30 would buy lawmakers time to finish spending bills, but additional extensions might be necessary.


House aims for Thursday vote on stopgap spending bill

Legislation would keep the federal government running after the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30, giving lawmakers more time to finish appropriations measures.


Hoyer: Stopgap spending measure will be necessary

Continuing resolution will be needed to keep agencies running from the Oct. 1 start of the fiscal year until the appropriations bills are complete, House majority leader says.


House will return to a packed agenda

The House has passed all 12 appropriations bills, but the Senate is unlikely to do so before Sept. 30, meaning a stopgap measure probably will be necessary.


Senate, House to turn to spending bills

House is expected to finish the last of the 12 appropriations measures by the end of next week.


House to work on approps, Senate on Defense

Pay/go, food safety bills are also on next week's congressional agenda.


Democrats set fast schedule for Defense bill

Senate leaders want to clear floor for health care legislation and vote on Supreme Court nominee.


Lawmakers face big agenda, tight calendar

In the next six months, Democrats want to pass the fiscal 2010 spending bills, overhaul the healthcare and financial regulatory systems and perhaps tackle immigration reform.


House passes Commerce-Justice-Science funding bill

Lawmakers approve $64.4 billion appropriations measure after taking a record-breaking 53 votes in one day.


War supplemental tops next week’s congressional agenda

Democrats hope to garner enough votes to override possible filibuster of bill.


Obama requests $1.5 billion for swine flu in supplemental

President says he wants money "out of an abundance of caution."