
Senate eyes FAA, collective bargaining bills

The chamber's schedule through July 4 remains in flux.


House leaders remain undecided on supplemental strategy

Lawmakers are still unsure whether to take up Senate-passed version in lieu of House bill.


House could take up Senate supplemental

Majority leader says chamber might bypass a House Appropriations Committee markup of the spending measure and consider the Senate-approved bill.


House passes Defense policy bill

Chamber defeats civilian pay freeze amendment before passage.


Parties ponder price of skirting budget vote

Republicans and Democrats weigh the political risks of not passing a fiscal 2011 budget blueprint.


Democrat questions MMS realignment

House subcommittee chairman wants Interior to explain why leasing function and its environmental-compliance oversight would not be housed in the enforcement part of the agency.


Hoyer: War supplemental ready soon

Majority leader says he would prefer the Senate to move the emergency funding bill first.


Citizens United prepared for another fundraising case

Group is reviewing a bill aimed at increasing disclosure in political advertising, looking for potential infringements on First Amendment rights.


Groups push Congress for border-fix bill

Following Arizona's passage of new hard-line law, both sides of Congress feel pressure to pass immigration reform.


Report questions health reform law savings

Provisions to curb growth of costs will be "more than offset through 2020" by higher expenditures, CMS analysis finds.


House majority leader bearish on budget passage

It's hard to get budget blueprints approved in election years, Rep. Steny Hoyer says.

Pay & Benefits

FBI probing death threats, vandalism against lawmakers

Incidents are tied to votes on the controversial health reform measure.

Pay & Benefits

House approves Senate health care bill

In historic move, House votes 219-212 to send an overhaul measure the Senate passed in December to the president's desk.


Obama tries to dampen Medicare fears

The president kicks off a week of lobbying for healthcare reform, insisting the proposal is good for older Americans.


Hoyer: Comity needed to avoid widespread fiscal ruin

Majority leader says "bipartisan trust, presidential leadership and a public spirit" are needed to stabilize the country's financial situation.


House minority whip says GOP will say 'no' on health deal

Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor's comments are the latest evidence that any hope for a health agreement is probably little more than wishful thinking.


Washington Democrat likely to take over defense spending panel

Rep. Norm Dicks is in line to succeed the late Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., as chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.


State of the Union, debt limit top agenda

President's address is expected to focus on jobs and fiscal responsibility.


Senate takes on thorny debt limit increase

Bill would raise limit above the $13 trillion ceiling the House approved last year.


Lawmakers pan plan to skip conference on health bill

Republicans favor open negotiations that members of the public could watch on television.