
Democrats say only $6 billion separates sides in budget talks

Senate leader Reid says sides are ready to find common ground.


House GOP plans symbolic passage of shutdown prevention measure

Plan would have no impact on actual shutdown.


With revolt brewing, House GOP backs off budget deal

Tea party wing rejects tentative deal to cut roughly $30 billion in cuts from current spending levels, boosting odds of a shutdown.


Republicans reject White House offer on funding deal

GOP leaders are dismissing the Obama administration's proposed $6.5 billion in cuts as "status quo" and insufficient.


House GOP content to keep punting on spending

If a deal can't be reached, then Republican members would be OK with a series of two-week extensions for the rest of fiscal 2011, majority leader says.


Congress has time to work out spending deal

Shutdown appears less likely as Congress works on short-term plan.


House leader defiant on spending as shutdown inches closer

GOP will not agree to maintain fiscal 2011 spending at current levels past March 4, says Speaker John Boehner.


House votes to cut alternate F-35 engine backed by speaker

Vote marks a strong reversal for the chamber, which has long supported the engine despite opposition from the White House and Defense Department.


House GOP releases spending plan with $100 billion in cuts

Move is designed to meet promise in pre-election "Pledge to America."


Republicans coming to grips with debt ceiling

GOP House members are signaling they will go along with raising the limit, but will use the move as leverage for spending cuts.


Lawmakers seek to balance safety, openness

Discussions with FBI, Capitol Police and other officials focus on maintaining contact with constituents while beefing up security in wake of Tucson shootings.


Shooting suspect leaves trail of anti-government musings

FBI director heads to Arizona to personally lead investigation into attack.


House speaker: Action on debt ceiling to avert shutdown must be tied to budget cuts

John Boehner says 'meaningful action' needed to end 'job-killing spending binge in Washington.'


New House majority leader won't rule out defense cuts

Reductions said to be "on the table" as GOP looks to slash an overall $100 billion from the federal budget.


GOP agenda is not your father's 'Contract With America'

Aides say document will include some ideas already touted by Republican leaders, such as repealing the healthcare bill, renewing the Bush-era tax cuts, and cutting spending.


Forecast calls for politics and a side of bluster on Defense bill

Senate braces for votes this week on controversial issues with limited ties to defense authorization bill, but which could energize voters in the midterm elections.


GOP set to unveil 'governing agenda'

The document, which will be released on Thursday, covers five categories -- jobs, spending, healthcare, national security and government reform.


Deficit estimate dips slightly this year, rises in 2011

This year's shortfall is projected to represent 9.1 percent of the gross domestic product, second only to last year's 9.9 percent mark.


Proposals to slash VA funding are withdrawn at last minute

House GOP source says amendments "would have cut bureaucrats, not veterans' benefits."


Hoyer: Votes on wartime supplemental by Friday

Bill could be split into at least two parts, with one devoted solely to military spending.