
House and Senate remain on collision course over debt ceiling

Boehner and Reid release competing plans; debate is likely to come to a head just days before Aug. 2 deadline.


No debt deal in sight after White House meeting

Both parties have said they will be working throughout the weekend in attempts to reach consensus.


Not close to a debt deal yet, Boehner says after GOP meeting

House Republicans say a short-term debt ceiling extension is likely coming.


House GOP considers short-term debt-limit extension

White House has said it could accept a debt-limit extension of a few days if a larger agreement were already in the works.


Leaders looking to short-term solution to avert August default

White House suggests Obama might consider a short-term compromise; House GOP aide calls the idea a possibility until a larger deal is worked out.


Boehner says it's time to contemplate 'Plan B'

The House speaker would not say what options he considers to be available or viable as 'Plan Bs.'


Taxes are still the stumbling block in deficit talks, Boehner says

House speaker says he 'wants to get there' regarding deficit-reduction and debt-ceiling deals but that he won't raise taxes.


House cancels upcoming recess in anticipation of debt-ceiling deal

The House will be in session the week of July 18, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, announces


Democrats, Republicans to work over weekend on debt deal, Obama says

Bipartisan group of Congressional leaders agrees a deal to raise the debt ceiling must be reached soon, president says.


Debt-ceiling talks move toward the end game

Republicans left Biden panel Thursday, calling for President Obama to get more involved in negotiations.


Republicans pull out of debt talks

GOP negotiators say impasse over taxes must be resolved at a higher level.


House rejects hike in debt ceiling

Symbolic vote on measure with no spending cuts plays out predictably.

Pay & Benefits

Proposal to increase employee pension contributions draws fire

There's an intensifying public debate about over how much sacrifice should be demanded of federal workers as negotiators try to address the nation’s $14.3 trillion debt.


House GOP pondering strategic debt-ceiling vote without cuts

Majority Leader Eric Cantor did not give time frame for vote.


Budget deal faces one last hurdle

Lawmakers still have to formally vote on handshake agreement reached at midnight Friday to fund agencies for the rest of fiscal 2011.


GOP passes futile one-week spending measure

Obama says he would veto plan.


House GOP to offer one-week stopgap spending measure

Funding bill would prevent a shutdown at the end of this week and fund the Defense Department for the rest of the year.


GOP: White House punts on shutdown deal

Cantor says Obama rejected GOP's new one-week plan.


Obama calls Hill leaders to White House for talks on avoiding shutdown

President invites Boehner, Reid and others for urgent budget meeting on Tuesday.


Reid predicts budget will omit many policy riders

The riders include provisions to block parts of the health care reform law and to strip funding for Planned Parenthood.