
Super committee meets Gang of Six

It was unclear if the earlier group's budget ideas would influence the new panel's 12 Republicans and Democrats.


After criticism, super committee to meet publicly again

Hearing will feature more testimony from Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf.


Pelosi unveils budget cuts

Vowing a plan that's "big, bold, and balanced," House minority leader touts recommendations from committee ranking members.


House keeps government open through Nov. 18; what happens next?

Lawmakers now must figure out how to fund the government for the rest of fiscal 2012.


House approves funding bill until next week

Passage of the “bridge” measure went off without drama, but danger of a shutdown still looms for Tuesday.


House votes to keep government open through Nov. 18

Move sets up showdown with Senate over FEMA emergency funding.


Solyndra language paves way for bill to keep government running

GOP strategy is to add to the continuing resolution a $100 million offset targeting the government program involved in the loan guarantees awarded to the failed energy company.


Democratic opposition to funding bill makes a shutdown more likely

Measure is needed to keep government running past Sept. 30.


Shutdown looms as federal funding bill dies in House

House and Senate now either have to work out a short-term spending measure this week or stay in session through their planned recess ahead of the Oct. 1 start of fiscal 2012.


Budget office chief urges cuts and revenue before super committee

Leader of nonpartisan congressional office says citizens will either have to pay more for services or expect less.


'Super committee' to hold first organizational meeting on Thursday

Meeting will be followed by the deficit-cutting panel's first public hearing on Sept. 13.


Super committee to prep for first hearing

Under the debt deal, the panel must recommend by Thanksgiving cuts worth $1.5 trillion over 10 years.


House Republican fall agenda takes aim at regulations, taxes

Many of the planned moves are certain to prompt resistance from the Obama administration and Senate Democrats.


Pelosi announces picks for super committee

Choices finalize the panel's 12-seat roster.


Lawmaker wants probe of help given to makers of bin Laden movie

Rep. Peter King asks the Pentagon and CIA to investigate reports the Obama administration let filmmakers see classified information.


Boehner bill moving to vote; Reid, Obama waiting

The debt ceiling measure was revised overnight and is expected to be defeated in the Senate.


House approves speaker's debt plan

Bill now heads to the Senate, where Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has pledged its swift defeat.


GOP debt plan gains in House, dies in Senate?

Senate majority leader says there are other options besides taking up the Republican bill as is.


No vote on debt plan Thursday; default deadline moves closer

Boehner is still seeking support for Republican proposal.