
GSA employee rewards program now also under scrutiny

Valuable gifts handed out 'for questionable reasons at best,' lawmakers say.


Suspected Capitol bomber was under FBI scrutiny

Lawmakers and staffers were not in danger, according to Capitol Police.


GOP pay-freeze bill is 'clever,' Democrat Steny Hoyer says

It's an election-year effort to trap opponents in an embarrassing vote, the House Minority Whip says.


In symbolic move, House votes down Obama debt request

Action reflects lingering Republican resentment over a bargain struck in August.


Licking terror with FEMA funds for . . . "Sno-Cone'' machines?

Michigan emergency officials suggest the devices could be used to make ice packs.


GOP unveils House version of stalled spending bill

White House urges another short-term funding extension to allow negotiators to work out differences on appropriations and payroll tax measures.


Appropriators reach spending deal

Announcement suggests lawmakers are close to clearing a major obstacle to leaving town for the holiday recess.

Pay & Benefits

Reid wants passage of payroll tax package before recess

The Senate leader may also be tying the fate of a separate $900 billion-plus spending plan to the tax break.


Boehner unveils GOP bill to extend payroll tax holiday

The measure also would extend unemployment benefits and prevent a scheduled cut in Medicare physician reimbursements.


Deficit reduction panel concedes defeat

$1.2 trillion in automatic cuts will be triggered in January 2013, including military spending.


Balanced-budget amendment fails in House

The proposed Constitutional amendment came in 23 votes shy of the two-thirds majority required.


Sequestration isn't a sure thing

Lawmakers indicate they might rethink the automatic cuts that would be triggered if the super committee fails.


Super committee co-chair hasn't given up hope

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, also contradicted the contention of some of his GOP colleagues that Democrats have walked away from the deficit talks.


House votes to repeal contractor withholding tax

Legislation's Senate prospects remain uncertain.


Republicans, Democrats trade barbs on deficit reduction

Both sides are questioning the other’s sincerity about reaching agreement by the Thanksgiving deadline.