
Bloomberg wants $9.8 billion in NYC Sandy aid

City will face a budget gap after FEMA funds and insurance proceeds are drawn down, mayor says.


FBI director briefs lawmakers on Petraeus investigation

Robert Mueller says he wasn't told of the probe before the election.


Acting CIA head visits hill on Petreaus matter

Lawmakers are angry they didn't learn earlier about affair or threatening emails.


John Boehner's high-stakes moment

House speaker has a restless rank and file and a newly reelected president.


Boehner mum on detailed fiscal cliff possibilities

'I don't want to limit the options,' Republican House Speaker says.


House leaders urged to consider more disaster aid

Need might become clear once full extent of damage is known, letter says.


Moving Election Day could be more disruptive than Sandy

Changing voting dates could lead to distortions and challenges.


After next week, House stopping work until election

Planned one-week session at the start of October has been scrapped.


House speaker willing to cut recess short

Boehner says he wants Senate to act to avoid tax hike, but no two-chamber deal is in the offing.


House conservatives weigh 6-month budget deal

Move could deny Democrats leverage from a shutdown threat.


Capitol Police issue new tattoo rules

Limitations are among a new set of 'Grooming Standards.'


Another debt ceiling fight could be brewing

House minority whip urges GOP not to use the nation's borrowing authority as leverage.


House passes health care repeal -- again

The chamber has voted more than 30 times to repeal or defund parts of the law.


House finds Holder in contempt

Seventeen Democrats and 2 Republicans break with their parties.


GOP lawmaker plans to move forward with Holder contempt vote

Issa wants to end a stand-off over documents tied to the botched 'Fast and Furious' sting operation.


Lieberman calls for special counsel to probe leaks

Published details of what are described as U.S. cyberattacks on Iranian computer systems have prompted outrage.


Erupting urinal soaks House press gallery

U.S. Capitol personnel mop up mess with newspapers and magazines.