
There's No Question, Romney Changed the Game

Obama will need to be both aggressive and presidential in the second debate.


Mitt Romney Breaks His Losing Streak

Both the conventions and the “47 percent” remark helped Democrats. Time is running short for Republicans.


Shades of 1996

Unless Mitt Romney does something—quick—he could see GOP donors abandon him, just as they did Bob Dole.


Obama’s Uptick

Optimism about the economy is coming at the right time for the president and the wrong time for Mitt Romney.


Obama’s a Good Bet

The president has the election advantage -- for now.


Democrats Could Keep the Senate

Republicans are looking at more toss-up races.


Analysis: It turns out Democrats could keep the Senate

A mix of factors has combined to give the party a fighting chance of holding their majority.


What Women Want

They’d like to see President Obama act more like a leader and Mitt Romney act less like a rich guy.


The Race Shouldn’t Be Close

But it is, and that’s partly due to Mitt Romney’s own personality and some missteps by his campaign.


How Romney Can Change the Subject

The GOP candidate's pick for vice president likely won’t be a game-changer, but it could at least help him shift the focus.


Negative Impressions Hold Romney Back

Low personal approval seems to be preventing the GOP candidate from fully capitalizing on the sluggish economy.


Another Recession?

The economic news keeps going from bad to worse.


Dreams Deferred for the Middle Class

Democrats (and Republicans) should read James Carville and Stan Greenberg's new book.


Skip Electoral College Math

Concentrate on the popular vote in the presidential race, not the Electoral College. It’s a waste of time.


Bye-Bye 'Wave' Elections

Don’t count on a fourth straight wave election for the House.


Obama, Backed Into a Corner

The president's reelection campaign has little choice but to try to discredit Mitt Romney and hope that voters find him unpalatable.


The Wrong Fight in Wisconsin

Opponents of Gov. Scott Walker never should have mounted a recall effort. The public wasn’t with them.


Trouble for Obama

Dig into the polling numbers and you'll find some warning signs for the president heading into the general election.


Obama? Romney? Flip a Coin

All signs point to a presidential race that will be very tight. Neither candidate seems capable of pulling away.


Crowds vs. Experts

Not all opinions are created equal. If you’re a political prognosticator, you learn which ones you can ignore.