
Lugar’s Downfall

Don’t just chalk up the Indiana Republican’s primary defeat to the tea party. It’s more complicated than that.


Iran, the Wild Card

A conflict involving Iran doesn’t look as likely as it once did, but it still could upend the presidential race.


Election Rests on the Economy

In picking the next president, voters will be thinking about one thing more than any other. Who can blame them?


Romney Must Win Over Women

Mitt Romney has white men in the bag. He needs to worry less about them and more about women.


Election Could Come Down to the Wire

Don’t put much stock in predictions that President Obama will coast to victory.


Does Santorum Hear the Music?

No one is going to deny Mitt Romney the Republican presidential nomination.


Young Voters Disappointed in Obama

After voting for 'hope' and 'change' in 2008, many young people are upset with the president's performance.


A Conflicted GOP

After flirting with other candidates, Republicans are realizing that Mitt Romney will be their date in the fall.


Primaries a Threat for House GOP

More House Republicans could lose in the primaries than in the general election.


Infighting Hurts GOP Candidates

Republicans seem happier quibbling among themselves than uniting behind a presidential candidate.


Senate Control Looking Like a Close Call

It once looked likely that Republicans would win control of the Senate. Now it’s a much closer call.


Independents Flee GOP

Republicans appear incapable of nominating someone who can win the votes of independents in November.


The Election is Still a Long Way Off

Don’t be fooled into thinking that today's events will turn November’s election. A lot of time remains.


Right and Wrong

A prolonged primary could force Mitt Romney to tack even more to the right, which would hurt him in November.


Improving Fortunes

President Obama's reelection prospects aren't looking as dim as they did a few months ago.


All Stirred Up

Look for a lot of new faces in the House next year, regardless of which party gains seats.


Lower Than Low

Congress’ approval ratings can’t get much worse. How many incumbents could lose their seats?


Still a Millstone?

The economy may not be as big a liability for President Obama on Election Day as many Republicans had assumed.


Watch Out for Newt

The former House speaker could wound Mitt Romney if he wants to pay him back for his attack ads.


Glimmer of Hope?

The jobless rate is virtually the same as it was a year before Ronald Reagan was reelected in a landslide.