
Report on CIA interrogations provokes strong response

Attorney general appoints special prosecutor to conduct preliminary review into whether federal laws were violated.


Judiciary Committee chairman faults administration on refugees

The Homeland Security Department has been unable to provide permanent residence status to more than 7,000 eligible refugees and asylum seekers, says Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.


Napolitano: Cybersecurity issues remain unresolved

Homeland Security chief says department is figuring out how best to work with Defense, private sector on protecting federal IT networks.


Prospects for homeland security policy bill look better next year

Since its creation in 2003, DHS has never operated under authorization legislation.


Intelligence chief wants to rebuild Hill relations

Dennis Blair also raised issues about the size of his workforce and number of federal contractors needed to support the intelligence community's operations.


Senate committee opts for smaller, cheaper spy satellites

Billions of taxpayer dollars are at stake along with major contracting work for defense and intelligence companies and commercial providers of satellite imagery.


Republican fires back at Democrats over CIA's secret program

Democrats claim they did not know about the now-canceled program to assassinate terrorists.


Veto threat made on intelligence bill

The White House objects to a provision that would increase the number of lawmakers who can be briefed on secret CIA activities.


Senators, officials back E-Verify mandate

Starting Sept. 8, federal contractors will have to begin verifying that their employees are legally allowed to work in the country.


GOP accuses administration of keeping ineffective intel center open

Opponents say center in the district of Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., duplicates work done elsewhere, lacks a clear mission and is poorly located.


House approves Homeland Security spending bill

Republicans complain Democrats are placing inappropriate limits on amendments.


Panel agrees not to shift Geological Survey work to DHS office

Lawmakers want to curtail or stop the operations of the National Applications Office, a Homeland Security unit.


House panel extends E-Verify, spends less on earmarks

Appropriators provide Homeland Security about $42.6 billion in discretionary spending for next fiscal year, about 1 percent less than the administration's request.


House to consider ban on airport body scans

Amendment to the TSA authorization bill would bar machines that provide a three-dimensional image of passengers naked from primary checkpoints.


U.S. tries exit tracking system at two airports

Atlanta and Detroit tests will last for 35 days.


Senator begins groundwork for sweeping immigration bill

Chairman of Judiciary subcommittee announces a series of hearings and says he is "cautiously optimistic" about getting legislation passed this year.


Officials draft changes to Bush-era mandate on ID cards

Some of the biggest differences between the law and the proposed alternative deal with information-technology requirements.


Supplemental to allow new troop deployment to border

DHS chief says the funding could be used to send extra troops to curb border violence.


DHS chief pressed on immigration and border security

Napolitano says she supports requiring federal contractors to use E-Verify to check the immigration status of workers.


House panel to consider stand-alone TSA authorization bill

Legislation would be the first of its kind for any Homeland Security agency so far this Congress.