
Governors protest changes to FEMA grant programs

Policy preventing homeland security grants from being used to support current projects could stall critical programs, governors association says.


Critics take aim at pending spending bills

Senate poised to approve Homeland Security appropriations measure, which would provide $42.8 billion in discretionary funds, and excludes two E-Verify provisions.


Democrats thwart GOP bid to stop Gitmo transfers

Final Homeland Security spending bill allows detainees to be brought to the United States for trial.


Hill sends mixed signals to imagery firms

Administration is moving forward with plans to buy more satellite imagery from private companies while Congress backs a plan that might ultimately compete with commercial providers.


Panels confront notification, satellite issues

Bill authorizing intelligence programs and funding remains stalled over House-Senate differences in those areas.


Border fence, detainee issues dominate debate

Final Homeland Security spending bill likely will not include funding for physical fencing along the Southwest border, but is expected to include language regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States.


Threat from domestic terrorists in sharper focus

Recent arrest of accused al-Qaida operative has heightened government concerns.


Border fence stalls fiscal 2010 spending bill

Differences over funding for fencing along the Southwest border and the construction of a biodefense facility are holding up the Homeland Security appropriations bill.


DHS will discuss realignment of intelligence office

Focus of the office will be on serving state and local intelligence groups, commonly known as fusion centers.


Justice official keeps mum on privacy rights

Pending legislation would reauthorize and modify three provisions of the PATRIOT Act that expire at the end of this year.


Panel sees mounting bioterror risk

Commission says a rogue scientist working at a U.S. laboratory is the most likely threat.


Task force proposes new three-level alert system

Alerts should be focused on specific industries or locations and should contain as much information as possible about the threat, group concludes.


Government lags behind broadcasters in using video

The military is trying to do what the broadcast industry makes appear easy -- store and tag video and photography with data that makes it searchable.


Official: E-Verify changes are in the works

The controversial electronic system that checks a worker's immigration status against federal databases is set to expire at the end of September.


Nominees for key Homeland Security posts remain unconfirmed

Management and science and technology undersecretary positions, and the top spot at the Transportation Security Administration remain in limbo.


Disputed E-Verify rules go into effect

Most federal contractors and subcontractors must now use the system to prove employees are legally eligible to work.


Bill would set lab security standards

Senators propose creating a comprehensive framework to regulate security for federal and private laboratories that work with deadly biological agents and toxins.


Chertoff: No politics in terror alert system

Former Homeland Security chief notes the department only raised the alert level twice during his tenure, based on his recommendations and the merits.


Budget analysts put price tag on TSA pay overhaul

About 36,000 TSA workers would receive raises averaging $1,700 under a bill that would move employees to the General Schedule and grant them collective bargaining rights, CBO estimates.


Coalition asks court to halt E-Verify

Rule requiring federal contractors to confirm the legal status of their workers is scheduled to go into effect on Tuesday.