
GSA aims to raise mileage reimbursement in February

Rate would rise by 4 cents per mile, assuming the Office of Management and Budget OKs proposed hike.


Questions arise over GSA chief and contracting irregularities

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D-Calif., launches an investigation.


GSA launches effort to streamline contracting process

Multiple Award Schedule Express Program seeks to cut time it takes companies to get on lists of approved contractors.


GSA awards contract for system to gather travel data

Details on more than $15 billion in annual travel-related spending will be used to report on trends.


GSA to award new contract for ID card services

Agency officials expect to make an award to one company sometime this spring.


GSA says announcement on mileage rate imminent

Federal labor union asks agency to end “internal delays” and approve increase.


GSA’s chief acquisition officer to leave for private sector

Emily Murphy will work with a former OMB procurement policy chief to help develop law firm’s contracting practice.


GAO: Patent office can reimburse teleworkers for home Internet

Decision provides a legal basis for the office to cover employees’ home access, up to $100 per month.


Audit could recoup millions in mistaken Navy telecom payments

Effort will attempt to identify mistakes such as payments on noncompliant contracts or nonoperating circuits, and double billing.


GAO: Interior office lacks timetable for trust fund reforms

Office charged with implementing management changes also lacks adequate strategy for operations once reforms are complete.


High-ranking GSA acquisition official to retire

Departure of G. Martin Wagner marks second time in recent months that a senior GSA official involved in e-gov efforts has announced plans to leave.


GSA to manage contracts for consolidating personnel systems

The Office of Personnel Management will retain control over the much of the program, including requirements for service providers.


OPM clarifies policies affecting teleworkers’ pay

Requirement that employees report to their official work site at least once a week has caused frustration.


IG: Immigration agency IT modernization needs stronger focus

Duplicative plans have hampered rollout, recent audit report states.

News And Analysis

Storm Warning

Testing might not improve our ability to respond and recover from cyberattacks.


Key 'open government' official leaves policy mark

Justice Department's Daniel Metcalfe, who is retiring after serving under four presidents, says agencies need to disclose information responsibly.


GSA weighs change to relocation program

Agency officials say a different method of calculating fuel surcharges for transportation services would save agencies money.


GSA struggles to keep up in tech sales

Agencies are moving to non-GSA contract vehicles to meet their IT needs, analysts find.


OMB data shows low e-gov adoption and use rates

High percentage of agencies are participating in Bush administration's e-government initiatives.


OMB to release figures on e-gov acceptance, usage

Information will cover 18 of 25 projects; goal is to increase transparency, illustrate initiatives’ success.