
DHS privacy office steps up scrutiny of technology projects

Critics say report to Congress covering two years of activity is short on details, seek commitment from recently arrived privacy chief.


Proponent of IT centralization declares victory at the VA

Employees involved in application development will be sent to work under the CIO Monday, and permanently placed there in April.


GSA, Defense reach agreement on acquisition policies

GSA will not hold Pentagon funds over from one fiscal year to another, in keeping with Defense legal interpretations.


VA tech chief says another major data breach is unlikely

Steps to avoid another incident include raising awareness of security issues, encrypting laptops and centralizing IT operations.


GSA budget document reveals revisions to IG’s requests

Document provides details on what the agency’s investigative branch has said is an attempt to “reduce serious scrutiny of the agency.”


Lawmakers question GSA chief’s plans for agency auditors

Legislators ask Administrator Lurita Doan to explain why she is trying to limit the work of GSA’s inspector general.


Incoming House chairman proposes restructuring of oversight panel

Soon-to-be head of the Government Reform Committee wants to streamline its subcommittees.


FBI seeks extra funding to avoid delays on tech upgrade

Bureau must come up with $157 million by February to enter contract for second stage of project.


OMB looks to boost use of interagency contracts

Survey indicates there may be nearly four times as many single-agency contract arrangements in use as there are interagency ones.


Funding may be a sticking point for FBI tech upgrade

Sentinel project to build a modern case management system could face a budget shortfall if appropriators don’t grant bureau’s request, auditors say.


GSA weighs placing policy office under congressional affairs

Employees told that the move would not substantially change the policy operation.

Managing Technology

The Battle for E-Government

OMB and Congress clash over funding IT projects.


Immigration services bureau loses thousands of records

As many as 30,000 citizenship applications may have been processed without the proper files, auditors conclude.


OPM drops effort to shift financial management to Treasury bureau

Agency instead will conduct public-private competition to select a new provider.


IRS drops public-private contest for computer services

Agency will study alternatives to competition that could have encompassed more than 2,000 jobs.


GSA replaces career leader of policy office with political appointee

Agency spokeswoman says the move is meant to reflect the office’s involvement in presidential management initiatives.


Agencies urged to improve IT security tests

Agencies do not know for sure whether their technological systems are properly protected, the Government Accountability Office finds.


Budget stalemate may leave newer e-gov efforts in limbo

The next Congress, led by Democrats, could have an opportunity to undo restrictive language.


Senators take aim at Defense Travel System’s reservation tool

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., threatens to hold up next year’s Pentagon spending bill if issues with the travel system are not resolved.


Agencies share secrets for boosting e-gov grades

Transportation Department and Small Business Administration jump from lowest ranking to highest in just a few months.