Connected Transportation
Top 5 Lessons for Modernizing State and Local Infrastructure. More states and municipalities are looking to unleash the opportunities created by embedding intelligent, connected technologies in public transit, vehicles, and roadways. Government Business Council (GBC) surveyed hundreds of state and local government decision makers to understand their perceptions of connected transportation and smart cities — here are our top five takeaways.
Top 5: Citizens Broadband Radio Service
FCC's approval of landmark legislation opens the door for innovation in wireless spectrum for government use. Here are the top 5 things you should know about the Citizens Broadband Radio Service.
Preparing Tomorrow's Warfighter
The clock is ticking: as adversaries gain new capabilities, the DoD must think - and act - on its IT modernization plans before it's too late. GBC's latest issue brief takes a look.
Supporting the Enterprise
Government has an opportunity to transform its enterprise IT service desk model to unleash mobility. So what's standing in the way of innovation? Click here to read Government Business Council's issue brief on the latest research.
All Systems Back Online
Government agencies today depend on reliable networks and systems that can power core services for the public. So what happens when these systems fail, and how can outages be avoided? Government Business Council's new issue brief takes a look.
Survey: Government of the Future
Government Business Council surveyed nearly 500 federal employees on the subject of intelligent technologies in the workforce. Click here to learn more.
Spotlighting Mobile Security: Government Workers Speak Out
The government has increasingly strict standards for securing mobile devices, but a recent poll of federal employees reveals notable skepticism regarding such security. View Government Business Council's latest infographic to learn more.
Accelerated Intelligence
GBC polled federal attendees at the Accelerated AI workshop held in Washington, DC on November 13, 2018. Click here to view an infographic detailing their opinions for how AI can deliver the greatest value to the government workforce.
The New Spectrum: A Survey of Mobile Connectivity in the Federal Workforce
GBC surveyed hundreds of federal employees about the state of mobile connectivity in their agencies. Click here to read the results.
Enhancing Government Readiness: The Next Generation of Enterprise Asset Management
GBC's latest issue brief takes a look at federal assets and the challenges of managing them effectively.
Flash Poll: An Eye Towards Efficiency
GBC polled 155 federal employees on their agency's ability to manage assets and properties. Click here to read the results.
Access Denied: Threats to Endpoint Security in the Federal Government
GBC's recent issue brief examines the endpoint dilemma. With so many mobile devices and points of entry to organizational networks, how can federal agencies ensure they are protected from sophisticated cyber attacks?
Automating Intelligence
In October 2018, GBC polled federal employees about their expectations for intelligent automation.
Overcoming Data Barriers
GBC's latest poll examines challenges and opportunities to federal data management.
Harnessing Open Source for Agile Government
Open source is increasingly seen as a valuable tool for the federal government, reducing duplicative work and maximizing available resources. To gauge current sentiments in open source, GBC polled a random sample of federal employees on their agency's interest in leveraging open source software.
Securing the Vote: Safeguarding America's Electoral Infrastructure
GBC's latest issue brief examines cybersecurity in state electoral bodies — the top threats and mitigation measures, as well as recent efforts to raise operational visibility.
Maximizing Mission Integrity: A Survey of Program Officers at Federal Health Agencies
GBC surveyed federal program managers at leading federal health agencies to identify challenges to program integrity in the mission space.
Flash Poll: Dominion Over Data
GBC polled federal employees on the challenges of data management in 2018.
The Dynamic Threat: Government Tactics Must Evolve to Combat the Insider Threat
Insider threats do not discriminate. From federal government to state and local agencies, no organization that places its personnel in positions of trust is immune to an attack from within.