
Clinton and Trump Accuse Each Other of Inspiring ISIS

The two candidates traded charges on Monday, blaming their rivals for encouraging terrorism.


An Unrepentant Trump Finally Acknowledges Obama as American

Donald Trump has finally said he believes the president was born in the U.S. What took him so long?


Just Why Does Hillary Clinton Want to Be President?

Returning to the trail in North Carolina after a bout with pneumonia, the Democrat sought to calm worries about not just her health but her campaign.


Colin Powell, the Last Reasonable Man

Hacked emails show the former secretary of state is frustrated with Hillary Clinton, thinks Benghazi was a non-story, is still angry about Iraq, and hates Donald Trump.


Obama's Sticks With Veto Threat on the Saudi 9/11 Bill

The president still intends to reject legislation that would let victim’s families sue foreign governments for terror attacks—but Congress could override him.


Truck Bound for U.S. Mint Overturns, Leaving Highway Paved With Pennies

The truck caught fire Thursday morning, blocking a Delaware interstate for hours.


A New Report on Clinton's Email

The FBI has released its report into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, providing the most detailed account yet of why and how she used the system.


Trump in Mexico: 'Who Pays for the Wall? We Didn't Discuss it'

The Republican says he never discussed the matter with Enrique Peña Nieto, but Mexico’s president insisted later that he had rejecting paying for the barrier.


Trump on Immigration: Schrodinger's Candidate

The Republican nominee is talking about softening his view on deportations and amnesty, but he makes it hard to tell whether he has actually done so.


Questions About Hillary's Health: The Birtherism of 2016

Led by Rudy Giuliani, surrogates for the struggling Trump campaign are trying to seed doubts about the Democratic candidate's fitness for office.


Hillary Clinton's Latest Email Scapegoat: Colin Powell

The Democratic presidential nominee has reportedly said privately that the former secretary of state encouraged her to use a personal address for State Department business.


What If Trump Got Hacked Too?

A news report suggests that agents linked to the Russian state may have tried to break into the computer systems of the Republican Party and its presidential nominee.


The Changing U.S. Story on Sending $400 Million to Iran

After suggesting the timing of a cash delivery was unrelated to the freeing of hostages, the State Department admits the two were contingent.


Bill Clinton's Half-Baked Entry in the Presidential Cookie Contest

A quarter-century ago, Hillary Clinton made a snippy remark about baking cookies, then won a competition with Barbara Bush. Can the prospective first gentleman measure up?


Donald Trump's Intolerance for Intolerance

The latest iteration of his immigration ban would allow only those who “embrace a tolerant American society” to enter the country.


Will Donald Trump Debate Hillary Clinton?

For the second week in a row, the Republican nominee has suggested he won’t participate unless the meetings are set up to his liking.


Mike Pence Stands By His Running Mate

In Raleigh, North Carolina, the Republican vice-presidential nominee insists the ticket and the party are unified.


The Clinton Team's Affable Attack Dog

On his first solo swing of the campaign, Tim Kaine presses the case against Donald Trump in the urban South.


Trump's Turn Toward Appeasement

Speaking in Columbus, Ohio, on Monday, the Republican argued for ceding Crimea to Russia to avoid “World War III” and preemptively questioned the legitimacy of the November election.


Is Trump Planning to Skip the Presidential Debates?

The Republican nominee falsely claimed that Hillary Clinton was rigging the debates and that the NFL had complained to him in a letter—perhaps preparing excuses to avoid debating.