
'He Doesn't Know What the Word Sacrifice Means'

Donald Trump has chosen to debate the parents of a slain American serviceman over who has sacrificed more.


Donald Trump's Radical Foreign Policy

The Republican nominee doesn’t just disagree with Democrats—his ideas represent a break with a long list of policies that have won bipartisan support for decades.


The Republican Party Nominates Trump

The party’s establishment mounted the stage in Cleveland to line up behind their new leader.


Melania Trump's Secret Speechwriter: Michelle Obama?

The wife of the Republican nominee apparently borrowed passages from the first lady's speech at the 2008 Denver Democratic National Convention.


Trump: Obama Puts America's 'Enemy Over Our Allies'

The presumptive Republican nominee again takes a standard GOP talking point and turns it up a notch, implying the president is guilty of treason.


Trump's Angry Broadside Against Muslims and Immigration

The presumptive Republican nominee responded to the shooting in Orlando with a blistering attack on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.


Trump: Obama Was Maybe Involved in the Orlando Shooting

The Republican nominee has called on the president to resign and implied in no uncertain terms that President Obama may have been implicated in the massacre at a gay bar.


Where Does Trump Stand on Libya?

The presumptive Republican nominee tries to draw a contrast between himself and Hillary Clinton, but both of them supported U.S. involvement in both Libya and Iraq


Obama's Solicitor General Will Resign

Donald Verrilli, who as the administration’s top litigator won landmark cases on the Affordable Care Act, same-sex marriage, and immigration, will step down this month.


Donald Trump Won't Release His Tax Returns Before the Election

Presidential candidates have released IRS forms for years, but the GOP candidate wants to break that pattern.


Sanders Takes the Mountain State

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may both have locked away their party’s nominations, but only one managed to win on Tuesday night in West Virginia.


Why Trump Might Regret Playing 'The Woman Card' Against Clinton

The entertainer says his opponent wouldn’t have succeeded if she were a man—and overstates his own popularity among women.


Trump Accelerates Down the Track

The Republican front-runner steamed ahead to five decisive wins on Tuesday night, while Hillary Clinton took four states, leaving only Rhode Island to Bernie Sanders.


Would Clinton Pick a Female Running Mate?

A top aide to the Democratic frontrunner has said there are women on her short list for VP.


Trump and Clinton Win New York

In a state they both call home, the frontrunners prevailed Tuesday.


The 2016 Candidates Just Don't Care About Foreign Policy

Aside from Clinton, none of them has bothered to deeply engage with global issues.


How Belgium Tried and Failed to Stop Jihadist Attacks

Since November's carnage in Paris, Belgian authorities have rushed to grapple with Islamist violence, but were stymied by institutional failures, short staffing, and communication struggles.


Some React Harshly to Obama Photo in Front of Che Guevara Mural

American conservatives are furious about images taken in Havana with the famous revolutionary in the background. Guevara might be even more upset.


Sanders's Global Victory Over Clinton

In the Democrats Abroad primary, the Vermont senator beat his rival by a wide margin and picked up nine delegates.