
Did FBI Agents Lie About LaVoy Finicum's Shooting?

An investigation shows two unaccounted-for shots, apparently fired by federal officers—and suggestions they tried to cover them up.


How Did the Oklahoma City Bombing Shape Merrick Garland?

President Obama’s new Supreme Court nominee called his work at the Justice Department on the case “the most important thing I have ever done in my life.”


Michigan Says It Wants a Revolution

Bernie Sanders pulls off a stunning upset, on a night when not much else changed.


Ben Carson Admits That His Campaign Is Over

The neurosurgeon says he no longer sees “a political path forward” to the Republican nomination.


Donald Trump Tries to Divide and Conquer the Republican Establishment

After Chris Christie backed the entertainer on Friday, so did Paul LePage and Jeff Sessions—a diverse set of politicians. Meanwhile, the opposition remains split.


Donald Trump's Claims About Torture Are False

Why does the Republican candidate say it’s a useful tactic when all evidence suggests otherwise?


Ted Cruz's Hugely Expensive Plan for a Huge Military

Attacked by rivals for being soft on defense, the Texas senator lays out a program to guarantee peace through strength.


What Is the Point of Joe Biden's Cancer 'Moonshot'?

The vice president has launched an effort to “end cancer,” but the White House is only asking for $1 billion.


Obama Criticizes Islamophobia and Jabs at Republicans at Baltimore Mosque

Making his first visit to a mosque in the U.S. amid unprecedented fear in the Islamic community, the president preached inclusion and criticized Republicans, but also called on Muslims to fight extremism.


FBI Video of Shooting of Oregon Occupier LaVoy Finicum

The bureau released footage that shows the slain militiaman trying to barrel past a roadblock, then allegedly reaching for a gun in his pocket.


Are the Oregon Occupiers Ready to Give Up Yet?

Ammon Bundy asked them to leave, but three members of the militia who left and were arrested Wednesday say the remnant intends to stay.


A Dramatic Turn in the Oregon Standoff: Eight Arrests and a Death

Militia leaders Ammon and Ryan Bundy were taken into custody and spokesman LaVoy Finicum killed after an encounter with the FBI and state police.


Is Clinton or Sanders Obama's True Heir?

The Vermont senator’s bid to pick up the rhetoric of the president’s 2008 campaign exposes a rift in the Democratic Party.


Sanders and Clinton Go to the Mat

The two leading candidates battled over gun control and health care during the final Democratic debate before the Iowa caucuses.


Is Obama on the Wrong Side of 'the Right Side of History?'

The president espouses a facile faith in history bending toward perfection and morality—against evidence and reason.


The President Blames the Messenger on ISIS Strategy

Does the president underestimate the importance of messaging, or does he exaggerate it?


The Deepening Mystery of the San Bernardino Shooters' Social-Media Postings

FBI Director James Comey said the attackers sent messages, but they were private and couldn't have been caught by intelligence.


Bowe Bergdahl's Fate Will Be Decided by a General Court-Martial

The accused deserter, held for years by the Taliban, could face life in prison if convicted.