Pay & Benefits

Hiring overhaul on the way as soon as next week

White House memo will include guidance on using résumés in lieu of knowledge, skills and abilities essays.


Strategy for boosting acquisition workforce is a step forward, report says

Agency officials say OMB's requirements for submitting human capital plans are workable.


Watchdog group releases updated contractor misconduct database

List includes 63 of the top 100 federal contractors.


Senate holds take toll on Obama’s record with nominees

The president has been slower than his predecessors in filling top spots.

Pay & Benefits

OPM will launch branding campaign, test lab to recruit new hires

Director John Berry says he has assembled a ‘cool team’ to work on making federal service a popular destination.


Senator calls health care reform ‘mother of all implementation challenges’

Virginia Democrat pledges to ensure value of major programs is measured in a meaningful way.


Defense shapes savvier shoppers

Acquisition university faces the challenge of training thousands of new procurement professionals.


Legislation aims to improve presidential transitions

Senators look to formalize and build on best practices from the last transfer of power.


Agencies to get more nuanced marks on small business contracting

Moving from a stoplight system to letter grades will increase clarity and transparency of score card, according to SBA.


Advocacy group says women not moving up the federal ranks

Movement into senior federal jobs has slowed, according to Federally Employed Women.


Performance czar asks agencies to spruce up spending data

Memo will help the Obama administration collect more complete and more accurate information.


Study: Social Security disability backlogs vary greatly by state

Influx in applications and employee furloughs contribute to some delays, data indicates.


Treasury, OMB announce new office

Agencies aim to streamline federal financial management.


Course of Action

DAU’s Frank Anderson focuses on training thousands of new procurement professionals.


OMB to release ‘inherently governmental’ definition Wednesday

Guidance will come in the form of a draft Federal Register notice.


OMB financial management chief pledges to urge quick results

Danny Werfel says agencies should be smarter about technology investments and metrics.


White House accuses GOP of ‘unprecedented’ obstruction of nominees

But observer of presidential transitions says Senate staff’s increased workload could be at fault.


Lawmakers announce bipartisan Transparency Caucus

Group will advocate for transparency initiatives and promote legislation requiring open access to federal information.


Acquisition councils create database to track contractor misdeeds

System will be a one-stop shop for information on performance and legal violations.


Contractor advocates criticize administration’s ‘carry-over workforce’ plan

Groups say draft rule implementing executive order eliminates hiring flexibility for companies.