
Vets preference tops list of concerns about hiring reform

Lawmakers, union officials stress need to preserve federal merit system principles.

Pay & Benefits

Budget analysts put a price tag on domestic partner perks

Extending benefits such as health insurance would cost at least $310 million over 10 years, according to estimates.


Initial Labor Reactions to TSA Nomination


More Specifics on NSPS Transition This Week?


Concerns over pay loom as Pentagon returns to General Schedule

Managers’ association urge lawmakers to ensure top-performing Defense employees don’t lose pay.


The Federal Virtual Cookbook


MSPB Asks For Your Help


Hiring reform could signal end of federal internship program

Unions feel confident OPM review will lead to program’s elimination.

Pay & Benefits

Forever Young

Lawmakers seek to expedite a provision allowing kids to stay on their parents’ health insurance longer.

Pay & Benefits

Cost estimates cause trouble for telework bill

Proponents of off-site work policies must do a better job of showing how flexibility can save money, panelists say.

Pay & Benefits

Essay-based job applications are on the way out

As expected, President Obama instructs agency heads to abandon KSAs in favor of résumés.


Obama chooses executive branch veteran for Supreme Court slot

Elena Kagan would be the first justice in almost 40 years who has never served as a judge.


OPM chief says agency has improved financial management, IT systems

Inspector general’s recommendations included improving data security and streamlining accounting.

Pay & Benefits

Telework bill comes up short in the House

Supporters fail to get two-thirds majority necessary to pass legislation under suspension of the rules.

Pay & Benefits

Public Service Recognition Week winds down

Annual celebration acknowledges government workers and highlights their work.


Labor-management council delays reporting on bargaining expansion

OPM Director John Berry requests an extra 30 days to provide recommendations to White House on pilot programs.

Pay & Benefits

Workplace flexibility program moves full-speed ahead

Participants will work wherever and whenever they want, starting in June.


Small Steps

After 10 years of delays, there is new hope for the women’s procurement program.


OPM notes strides in training managers as legislation gathers steam

Unions and government groups back bill to expand instruction on mentoring, productivity and other issues.

Pay & Benefits

Watchdog finds unfair hiring practices in internship program

Union says EPA inspector general’s report provides “textbook example” of the program’s flaws.