
Treasury kicks off effort to go paperless with federal benefits

Social Security, Office of Personnel Management and other benefits to be sent electronically.


Chief of the Year: Acquisition

Hugh Hurwitz, senior procurement executive, Education Department.

Pay & Benefits

Unions unfazed by TSA nominee’s punt on collective bargaining

The two largest employee groups urge Pistole’s confirmation despite his failure to guarantee he will take up their cause.

Pay & Benefits

Benefits Bonanza

Paid parental leave is noticeably missing from a federal benefits list.


Democratic lawmakers are measured in support of proposed agency budget cuts

Congress, administration must juggle competing concerns in handling the deficit, members say.


Pentagon tries to break from past on pay, personnel reform

Union and agency cooperation is critical to rebounding from NSPS’ demise, witnesses tell senators.


White House asks agencies to trim budgets 5 percent

Identifying areas to cut back will allow the administration to continue nonsecurity spending freeze, OMB Director Peter R. Orszag says.


Agency officials, employee groups set to discuss pay transition

Witnesses at NSPS hearing will propose alternative approach to pay retention.


Agencies get green light to try expanding collective bargaining topics

At least six will participate in pilot programs allowing unions to negotiate over new issues such as technology and work methods.


Lawmakers criticize growth of federal workforce

Republican pushes bill to return size of federal civilian workforce to ‘pre-Obama levels.’


Zoned Out

Acquisition officials walk a fine line after a court rules low-income areas trump veteran or minority status in competition for small business contracting dollars.

Pay & Benefits

Regional FLRA official denies petitions for union election at TSA

Labor groups plan to appeal and call for a review of the decision by the full labor authority.

Pay & Benefits

Congress votes down proposals to freeze federal pay

Critics said plans from Sens. Coburn and McCain and Rep. Bachmann to halt raises would disrupt services to citizens.


Obama opposes 1.9 percent pay raise for military members

Policy statement expresses concern over several personnel provisions in the Defense authorization bill.


Senators suggest a federal pay freeze to help fund wars

GOP proposals aim to recoup costs partly by holding salaries steady and cracking down on tax delinquent government workers.


Senate passes telework bill

Full Senate unanimously approves legislation which would create more robust programs at agencies.


President pushes for new authority to nix unnecessary spending

White House proposes legislation to grant Obama power to rescind certain funding in spending bills.


Judiciary chairman holds up Senate telework bill

Jurisdictional debate on a patent provision halts legislation’s progress.


Defense bill aims to beef up health care for military personnel

Provisions in legislation would expand TRICARE coverage and improve mental health benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Hiring overhaul bill passes the Senate

Legislation would codify many of the reforms outlined in President Obama’s May 11 memorandum.