Pay & Benefits

Judge: Same-sex spouses of legally wed feds are entitled to benefits

Ruling says any couple with a valid state marriage license cannot legally be denied federal health benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Wrong Move

The organization that helps military members move is looking into a recent spate of problems.

Pay & Benefits

Study rekindles debate over federal pay and benefits

Report maintains most feds are better compensated than private sector workers, but stops short of advocating a salary freeze.


Hiring reform isn't as easy as it looks, officials say

Cutting red tape for job applicants and involving managers in the hunt for mission-critical skills could be more complex than meets the eye.

Pay & Benefits

Hiring challenges weigh most on federal managers

Survey respondents also say work-life balance and stronger career development programs are priorities.


Hiring Simplified

Cutting red tape for job applicants and involving managers in the hunt for mission-critical skills could be more complex than meets the eye.


Procurement officials face mounting pressures

A flurry of policy changes creates an implementation headache for top acquisition managers.

Pay & Benefits

Ups and Downs

After a depressing May, the TSP appears on the upswing as summer begins.


Senate panel approves supervisor training bill

Legislation introduced in 2009 advances, after more than one year on the shelf.


Lieberman Reacts to Orszag Departure

Pay & Benefits

Labor to expand family leave benefits to gay workers

Secretary Hilda Solis expected to announce on Wednesday reinterpretation of Family and Medical Leave Act.

Pay & Benefits

Redesigned TSP website is still in testing phase

Board is committed to making site ‘better, faster and more secure.’


Obama directs government to withhold pay from delinquent contractors

The new Do Not Pay list alerts agencies to the status of recipients of federal funds.

Pay & Benefits

Stress Test

Federal employees look to their managers to set the tone for work-life balance.

Pay & Benefits

Senate deals another blow to efforts to freeze federal pay

Lawmakers defeat GOP provision that also would have capped the size of the government workforce.


OMB makes pitch to senior executives on performance management

Key agency official urges top career leaders to focus on goals, data-driven improvement efforts.

Pay & Benefits

Diversity and student hiring next on OPM’s list

Director John Berry also is seeking a universally accepted approach to comparing public and private sector pay.


Procurement Pressures

A flurry of policy changes creates an implementation headache for top acquisition officials.


Lawmakers seek better training for supervisors

Under a bipartisan House bill, federal managers would get more training on such issues as conducting performance reviews.

Pay & Benefits

Senate to consider another pay freeze proposal

Republican amendment to jobs bill includes language suspending federal raises and bonuses.