
Memo to the President-Elect

By now you’ve gotten plenty of input on staffing and policy. Here’s some frank advice on making government work.

News And Analysis

Pulling Purse Strings

Treasury sought flexibility for bailout contracts, but did Congress give too long a leash?

Pay & Benefits

GSA cracks down on smoking in and around federal buildings

New rule will shutter indoor smoking rooms; policies will be phased in over six months.


Obama's Senate background could speed confirmation process

The president-elect is versed in the rules of the chamber and has developed relationships there.


Defense lays groundwork for new management chief

Deputy Secretary Gordon England has outlined the responsibilities of the position, which will go to an Obama appointee.


Safavian found guilty in retrial

Former top procurement official faced charges for lying about his relationship with lobbyist Jack Abramoff.


Senate’s new small business leader says SBA deserves Cabinet status

Incoming chairwoman asks Obama to re-empower the agency so it can serve as a stronger advocate for small firms.


Self-reporting rule for contractors takes effect

Companies now must disclose certain violations to inspectors general.


Contractors could face increased oversight on the Hill

Democratic Congress likely to steer focus away from administration and toward those getting the money, procurement specialists say.


Mid-size contractors feel edged out by small and large companies

More data on midtier companies and a stronger lobby could raise groups’ visibility, say government observers.

News And Analysis

The Executive Legislator

Can President-elect Obama's Senate background grease the wheels of the confirmation process?


Federal Protective Service director touts new vision for security

Gary Schenkel says agency responsible for monitoring federal facilities is “cleaning up business from the past.”


Federal buildings go unwatched

From the November issue of Government Executive : Cutbacks and confusion over building security leave workers wondering who's guarding the doors.


Towns could face competition for House oversight spot

In a push for key chairmanship, the New York Democrat says he can work across the aisle and set a more constructive tone.


Senators aim to confirm bailout watchdog by end of week

Banking Committee chairman said he hopes to approve special inspector general by unanimous consent.


Bailout watchdog nominee touts experience

Senators aim to wrap up confirmation by the end of the week.


OMB issues memo on new contractor self-reporting rule

Agencies must get the word out to contractors about mandatory disclosure of fraud, bribery and other violations of acquisition regulations.


Decision in Defense procurement case could set precedent

Observers say a federal court ruling that voids small business contracting goal could affect minority procurement programs governmentwide.


Contractors call for less partisan rhetoric, more substance

Industry is optimistic that the Obama administration and new Congress will establish a more harmonious tone.


Court decision voids major small business contracting law

Appeals judges deem law setting goals for contracts with small disadvantaged businesses unconstitutional.