
Obama announces transition team

Senior aides and advisers include campaign staff and former Clinton administration officials.



Cutbacks and confusion over building security leave workers wondering who’s guarding the doors.


Senate report alleges billions in waste and mismanagement at Justice

Department says it already has taken steps to fix abuses, including spending too much time and resources as a Hollywood consultant.


Defense awards more Iraq reconstruction work to contractors cited for poor performance

Several companies received contracts even after suspension or debarment, report says.


Panel issues preliminary advice for Defense audit agency

Recommendations are designed to address management issues exposed in a July Government Accountability Office report.


Contract dollars awarded to small firms on the rise

Small businesses still receive less of the pie than mandated, and data continues to be plagued by errors.


New acquisition training tool unveiled

Interactive Web site is designed to share research and to improve contract management.


Campaign advisers say presidential candidates are committed to regulatory reform

Next commander in chief is likely to support electronic rule-making and the revival of a federal advisory agency on administrative processes.


OMB official says presidential candidates briefed extensively on transition

Both McCain and Obama said to be “exceptionally prepared” for administration switch.


Set-asides still offer billions in contracting prospects

Awards to small firms continue to rise, though the pace is slowing, industry research group finds.


Treasury details procurement plan for new financial office

Agency will follow federal acquisition rules, but anticipates that a number of contracts will be awarded without full and open competition.


Think tank publishes transition guides for government leaders

Books offer advice on establishing relationships, setting clear agendas, communicating with employees and learning government jargon.


Sweeping authority for Treasury chief survives bailout negotiations

Economic rescue bill would give Secretary Henry Paulson authority to waive traditional contracting and hiring rules.


Research firm highlights untapped potential in federal contracts

Top 20 opportunities for fiscal 2009 will come from recompetitions or consolidations of agreements already awarded, report says.


Bailout bill would have given Treasury chief unfettered authority

Legislation would have allowed Henry Paulson to waive acquisition rules and competitive hiring procedures.


Obama’s contracting plan met with approval, skepticism

Democratic presidential nominee vows to cut the number of contractors, reduce procurement spending by 10 percent.


Obama reform plan bears traces of Clinton and Bush efforts

Management specialists applaud what appears to be a continued focus on program performance and results.


Treasury plan to create new government entity comes under question

Proposal would set up an organization that would buy troubled assets from financial institutions to prevent them from failing.


GSA boasts improvements in small business contracting

Agency says it surpassed congressional goals in all but one area; a governmentwide report is still pending.


Legacy of program assessment tool unclear

Even opponents of PART say it’s likely to have some lasting and positive effects.