
Forward Observer: A 'Buy Everything' Budget

Congress has not forced Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to make tough choices on Pentagon spending priorities.


Forward Observer: Homeward Bound?

A withdrawal from Iraq would leave Bush with the challenge of securing adequate funding to back Iraqi forces.


Forward Observer: Tortured Logic

If Sen. John McCain's anti-torture amendment fails, brutal foreign governments will be less inclined to observe the narrow firebreak between life and death when abusing U.S. prisoners.


Forward Observer: Distant Replay

The newest administration strategy for winning in Iraq is similar to one that was tried early on in the Vietnam War--and failed.


Forward Observer: Suiting Up for the Next Katrina

Paul McHale, assistant secretary of Defense for homeland security, seeks to apply the lessons of the hurricane response to the next crisis.


Forward Observer: People, Not Paper

Nobody is looking into the faces of those serving in the military as they parse in bloodless reports and pork-driven congressional hearings the base closing recommendations of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and his Pentagon team.


Forward Observer: Penetrating Debate

Debate is about to heat up on President Bush's request for money to study building a nuclear weapon that could penetrate the earth to kill enemy commanders in their bunkers deep underground.


Forward Observer: A New Arms Race

Europe's plan to resume selling arms to China already has generated the beginning of a backlash in Congress.


Forward Observer: Lost at Sea

The debut of a biweekly column by veteran defense writer George C. Wilson.


Tilting at the Pentagon

Bulldog legislator Henry Waxman, D-Calif., is taking on a new target: the Defense Department.


Bottom up

The Marine Corps got good press during the war in Iraq because lower-ranking men and women—not the top brass—were so impressive.


Failure to fight

Why did Saddam Hussein do almost nothing to try to stop the invasion of his country?


Iraq is not Vietnam

The equipment, terrain and tactics of war have changed dramatically in 35 years.


As U.S. forces advance, visible violence of war emerges

As U.S. troops sweep into Iraq and run into determined pockets of opposition, the war is beginning to yield discomforting images of death and destruction.


Soldiers ready, but uneasy about chemical, biological weapons

Soldiers in a platoon deploying to the Middle East are ready to charge into Iraq. But they have some nagging doubts about being attacked by chemical and biological weapons.


Foot soldiers

An Army platoon leader prepares his men for combat.


Military families wait, wonder, worry

Few Americans who would be in harm's way in Iraq come from America's ruling class. They have parents like Phil and Barbara Hall—parents who wonder whether war is justified.