
Guns and butter

Even with a budget boost, the cost of supporting service members and their families may make money for new weapons scarce.


Mixed message

Is the president spurring the development of weapons of mass destruction?


New budget gamble

The Bush administration's defense budget is based on the premise that it is better to risk having too few aircraft and ships today in order to free up money to buy new ones for tomorrow.


Feeling a draft

Congress should at least think about a lawmaker's proposal to reinstate the military draft.


Quick strikes

The Pentagon has approved an Iraq war plan that features rapid strikes to topple Saddam Hussein early in a potential conflict.


War and protests

Military leaders and lawmakers fear Vietnam-like protests if President Bush fails to make the case for war with Iraq.


Pentagon turkeys

The Bush administration has yet to make good on its pledge to ax obsolete weapons programs.


Beans and bullets

Providing food and ammo to troops is the hardest part of waging war.


Sticking together

For a change, Navy and Marine Corps leaders aren't battling each other in defense spending fights.


Deja vu

Is the Iraq resolution approved by Congress the equivalent of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


U.S. fears terrorists will imitate snipers


Placing blame

President Bush has run into his first confrontation with the military, over criminal charges filed in a friendly-fire incident.


Worst-case scenario

Would Israel retaliate with nuclear weapons if Iraq struck it with biological or chemical weapons?


A new breed

What would you do if you were suddenly ordered to design a low-cost, high-powered family of warships for the United States?


Accountability counts

Americans—especially those men and women in harm's way—need and deserve a better public accounting of intelligence failures.


Rules of engagement

As Americans ponder what kind of help to give the new Afghan army, they would do well to remember the lessons of Vietnam.


Reform crusade

The move to kill the Army's Crusader artillery weapon may be only the first move in the Pentagon's effort to rein in runaway weapons costs.


House panel authorizes $73.4 billion military procurement


Camouflaged pork

Politicians could camouflage pet projects as 'homeland defense' priorities.