
House leaders grappling with next step on first-responder measure

Battles continue to rage over how to set a formula for distributing funds.


Panel reviews integration of communications systems


Ridge: Integration of people, technology helps secure nation

Creation of a communication network for first responders, however, remains a problem, according to Ridge.


Pentagon official, House Dems spar over terrorism report

Democrats criticized the administration and congressional leaders for not moving quickly enough on the commission's recommendations.


Kerry reveals anti-terror blueprint

Kerry lays out his plan for strengthening the nation’s intelligence capabilities.


Commission: Agencies still not sharing information

Current system would not prevent another large-scale terrorist attack, 9/11 panel chief says.


Panel urges passenger-screening plan similar to CAPPS II

Lawmakers, civil-liberties groups and the travel industry have criticized the CAPPS II plan over privacy concerns and potential inconvenience to travelers.


Bipartisanship evaporates on Homeland Security authorization

Republicans and Democrats on Homeland Security Committee lob charges and counter-charges of partisanship.


Partisan, turf battles slow Homeland Security authorization

Democrats object to strategy of slicing the measure into nine separate bills.


Officials discuss efforts to network crime, terrorism data

A new FBI messaging system could replace current e-mail systems within the government.


House panel to debate homeland security authorization bill

A showdown is expected between Republicans and Democrats over the Homeland Security Department's first-ever authorization bill.


Panel votes to boost military construction spending

House subcommittee backs $10 billion bill, $450 million more then President Bush requested.


Panelists push agencies to boost funding for IT research

Homeland Security funding for cybersecurity research called inadequate.


Draft Homeland Security bill directs management changes

First-ever authorization bill for the department seeks to bolster information sharing between federal, state and local agencies.


House seeks more supercomputing funds

Lawmakers expressed disappointment with President Bush's Energy Department budget request for high-end computing efforts.


Bush wins some, loses some in security funding game

Homeland Security bill includes less funding than requested to hire intelligence officers, but endorses proposals for protecting critical infrastructure.