
Lawmakers back full funding for data-sharing center

House and Senate propose $35 million for Homeland Security Operations Center, matching Bush’s request.


Homeland Security CIO could see funding cut for technologies

But legislation would elevate the CIO position to report directly to Secretary Tom Ridge.


Lawmaker seeks biometric ID cards for aviation security workers

Legislation is aimed at prodding Homeland Security Department to take action.


Lawmakers scrap over grant formula for first responders

Last year first responder groups complained that the process had proved cumbersome and did not provide adequate funding to the most vulnerable areas.


Move to cancel border security contract hotly debated in House

Opponents argue that nixing Accenture's contract would delay securing the nation's borders for two years and cost the jobs of 330,000 U.S. workers.


Senate panel passes homeland security spending bill

Measure provides $896 million more than President Bush requested.


Homeland Department seeks technology to detect suicide bombers

The House Appropriations Committee included $9.7 million in the fiscal 2005 homeland security spending bill for the initiative.


House member seeks to nix $10 billion border security contract

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., wants to cancel US-VISIT contract awarded to Bermuda-based Accenture.


House panel receives 'first responder' extension

Judiciary Committee gets a week's extension to take its shot at revamping the federal process for issuing grants to first responders.


House chairmen clash over first responder funding bill

Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Don Young, R-Alaska, says Homeland Security Committee should focus on oversight, not legislation.


Accenture wins $10 billion US VISIT contract

House Democrat calls for increased congressional oversight of the project to track foreign visitors to the United States.


House panel schedules markup of Homeland Security bill

Committee will take up the first-ever authorization of the Homeland Security Department.


Committee expands Coast Guard's law enforcement powers

Coast Guard officers could get the authority to carry firearms while at a waterfront facility, make arrests for felony offenses and seize property.