
Why Government Needs to Invest in Workforce Metrics

Agencies can’t fix problems they haven’t first clearly identified. Better data is essential.


Rebuilding Government’s Human Capital Should be a Priority

Too often, the argument for reform is vague or the benefits unclear; on balance employees expect to lose.


Federal Staffing Problems Are Inextricably Linked to Pay Problems

When workforce issues impede an agency’s service to the public, it’s more than a line in the budget.


What is Fair Pay for Federal Employees?

Officials plan to do something they've never done before—develop a market analysis comparing the total compensation for federal jobs with their non-federal counterparts.


Government Needs to Invest in Human Resources

In high performing organizations, HR specialists work as advisers and consultants to line managers to address workforce problems. That doesn’t happen in federal agencies.


One State's Proven Strategy for Civil Service Reform

Under the leadership of former Gov. Haslam, Tennessee succeeded in shifting to outcomes-based management.


GAO is Wrong: Job Classification Cannot Be Fixed

It is the most antiquated and bureaucratic of all federal HR practices.


The High Cost of Undervaluing Older Talent

Older workers are far more influential than their younger colleagues.


Pay for Performance is the Only Choice

At this point, the General Schedule is an impediment to good government.


How the GS System Fails Federal Workers and Everyone Else

If government could start with a clean page to plan a new pay system, it would never consider the General Schedule program model.


Federal Executive Pay is Inadequate

When school superintendents are paid significantly more than government’s leaders, something is wrong.


Winning and Losing the HR Game

Using the same metrics across federal agencies would highlight the best and worst performers.


Employees Should Be Managed as Valued Assets

It’s time to stop treating human capital spending as an administrative expense. It’s an investment in future performance.


Last One Out, Turn Off the Lights

Retirements were up 24 percent last year. The shutdown is likely to drive many more civil servants out the door in 2019.


Is the Federal Workforce Reaching Its Breaking Point?

The level of burnout across government may be approaching a crisis point. The cost is substantial and growing worse.


One More Time: Are Federal Employees Underpaid or Overpaid?

The Federal Salary Council will meet Tuesday to consider the question. Here’s what members should consider.


What Really Ails the Federal Workforce

We know what’s broken—leading the list is the General Schedule.


Breaking Through Government’s Time Warp

In five years, the framework of government’s salary system will be 100 years old.