
The Skills Shortage and Federal Compensation

Until the General Schedule is replaced, the problems with government performance will grow progressively worse.


Metrics Are for Playmakers

Despite continuous attention, the use of metrics in government has declined, not improved, over the past decade.


Who is Accountable for Agency Performance?

Performance management is best seen as a puzzle—one the government hasn’t yet been able to put together.


It’s Time to Invest in Managers

Employee performance—good and bad—depends more on the effectiveness of supervisors than any other factor.


Smart Use of Incentives Would Support Government Reform

Government has never really embraced performance awards. That’s a problem.


On Gaining Acceptance for Performance Pay in Government

Effective incentives strengthen engagement by rewarding employee contributions.


The Pay Gap Analysis is a House of Cards

It contains estimates stacked upon estimates. Rube Goldberg would be pleased.


It’s Premature to Break Up OPM

It makes no sense to initiate a major reorganization before defining what the new organization is expected to achieve.


Better Training Is Essential for Performance Management

It’s not enough to identify and promote those with the promise to be effective supervisors—you also have to support them.


How Well Are Federal Employees Really Paid?

The facts are out there, however, it remains a perennial mystery in Washington.


Why Federal Employees Need a Better Work Experience

The government “brand” is deterring new graduates from careers in public service.


Civil Service Reform Must Be a Priority

It would be a mistake to limit reform to policies controlled by the Office of Personnel Management.


Government Needs to Rethink Employee Compensation Plans

Now is not the time to experiment with pay—it affects careers and could be highly disruptive.


Managing Government as a Talent Driven Organization

The new OPM director has a lot of work ahead—if the administration acknowledges the importance of reinventing HR.


Finally, Managing People Seems to be a Priority

The failure of government to adopt strategies proven in other sectors has long been a mystery.


Performance Management is Not a Contest

The administration is sending the wrong message with its fund for targeted pay incentives.


Pay for Performance is Needed

The highest hurdle promises to be creating performance processes that generate credible and defensible ratings.