
Focusing on the Positive: Rewarding Good Workers and Managers

High achievers are far more valuable and important than the handful of poor performers.


Eliminating Layers of Management In Government Is Overdue

Such a move would reduce the workforce and make continued micromanagement impractical.


Data Show Government is Not a Great Place to Work

The lack of trust and confidence people have for their supervisors should be of great concern to federal leaders.


Replacing the Federal Pay Program

Employees have a lot to gain from a system that rewards performance.


OMB’s New Deputy for Management Faces a Big Challenge

Performance won’t improve until agencies have the flexibility to introduce more effective talent management practices.


The Annual Pay Ritual Has Lost Relevance

Contrary to some reports, General Schedule employees have received competitive pay increases—but that does not mean salary levels are competitive.


Overcoming the Strategy Execution Gap

Leaders too often are not open to employees’ ideas for improving performance.


Federal Managers Should Learn From Denver’s ‘Peak Performance’ Program

It doesn’t require legislation or special funding, and it could produce gains in every agency.


The Potential Payoff for Applying Metrics and Analytics to Government Is Significant

But managers need more training, and all employees need to be involved in performance initiatives.


It’s Time to Improve Government’s Use of Metrics and Analytics

When used effectively in managing performance, the gains can be impressive.


A Blueprint for Improving Government's HR Function

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Framework offers federal personnel leaders a guide for transforming agency operations, as well as their own.


It’s Time to Erase ‘Seniority’ From the Management Lexicon

Government gives lip service to the importance of attracting high caliber workers but then manages them under rules that fail to support high performance.


Needed: A Commitment to Effective Performance Management

Civil service reform is important, but without management reform it’s unlikely to generate the expected results.


Another Misleading Claim About Federal Pay

There’s data to support arguments that feds are both overpaid and underpaid, it’s just not credible.


Memo to Government Reformers: Don’t Forget the Soft Stuff

Everyone wants to work in an environment where their contribution is recognized and valued.


There’s Reason For Optimism In Federal Personnel Management

Employees at all levels could benefit from having a credible advocate leading the Office of Personnel Management.


Is OPM’s Employee Survey a Valuable Tool?

The forthcoming Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey is likely to show a deterioration in employee engagement.


Agencies Need A STEM Talent Management System

The General Schedule system is not suited for managing knowledge workers.


Federal Unions Need to Redefine Their Role

In government, there is no “bottom line” other than serving the mission effectively. That purpose should be shared by managers and employees alike.


The Performance Revolution Government Needs

When the brand of government is unattractive to top talent, it should be a reason for reform.