
The High Cost of Low Engagement

Positive work environments are not just more productive, they’re healthier—that’s good for employers as well as employees.


Can Employees Embrace Government Restructuring?

The success (or failure) of the Trump administration’s plans depends on the answer.


Government Needs to Redefine the HR Function

Human resources offices were not staffed or enabled to play a prominent role in what promises to be a contentious restructuring.


Decoding Federal Employee Compensation

The absence of readily understood, verifiable data has perpetuated this contentious debate now for over two decades.


A Straightforward Assessment of Federal Pay and Benefits is Badly Needed

The last market analysis comparing GS salaries with private sector rates based on benchmark jobs was completed over 20 years ago.


OMB’s Biggest Challenge

Government does not have the systems in place today to identify the best performers or rationalize staffing.


How to Maximize Employee Performance

The administration’s plan to “eliminate unnecessarily redundant levels of management or administrative support” will open the door to empowering employees.


Why Most Government Reform Plans Die

Change is badly needed but OMB’s initial guidance has been silent on strategies to gain employee cooperation.


Getting Serious About Employee Performance

Engagement surveys ignore a key issue: Leaders and their agendas matter.


One More Time: Can Government Be Run Like a Business?

Managers have been encumbered far too long by a civil service system that makes managing poor performers more important than rewarding stars.


OMB Nominee Needs to Understand Creating a 'High-Performing' Workforce Won't Be Easy

Rep. Mick Mulvaney wants to do a better job of rewarding top employees and holding poor performers accountable.


Sure, Some Feds Are Overpaid

But others are underpaid, and the government doesn’t have enough data to show where the discrepancies are.


Civil Service Reform Is Coming; Employees Need to Play a Role

They understand better than anyone the problems impeding their day-to-day performance.


Welcome to the End of Business as Usual in Government

Agencies can wait for the Trump administration to roll out reforms, or they can initiate changes that will improve performance.


Pay for Performance Could Be Coming to Federal Agencies

Vice president-elect Mike Pence was governor of a state with a strong commitment to rewarding good performance.