
A Blueprint for Improving Government Performance

While it’s long overdue, there’s plenty of reason to believe Civil Service reform could be successful.


The Presidential Transition Should Include Civil Service Reform

Efforts to upgrade agency management over the past two decades have largely ignored the workforce.


The Key to High Performance

Government will never have great executives until it invests in developing great managers.


It’s Past Time to Address Government’s Workforce Problems

If leaders project the current trends a few years into the future, it should make them very uneasy.


It’s Time to Invest in Government’s Infrastructure -- Its People

Ignoring human capital has the same impact as deferring maintenance on bridges and roads.


If Employees Aren't Engaged, Leaders Need to Take a Hard Look at Their Own Actions

Executives and senior managers are ultimately accountable for workforce morale and productivity.


The Real Problem With Inflated Performance Evaluations

Any other management practice this intensely disliked—and flawed—would be scrapped.


Federal Salaries Will Continue to Fall Behind Market Pay Rates

The pay gap will get progressively wider, until the data used to adjust the General Schedule is reconsidered.


More Executives Aren't Going to Solve Government’s Performance Problem

A proposed law aims to bolster program management but agencies already have the necessary tools—they just need the commitment.


Research Confirms It: Good Managers Make a Difference

Managers who inspire their people have more impact on an organization’s performance than its executives.


Government’s Catch-22 People Problem

A complex bureaucracy, an outdated salary system and a tarnished brand are among the problems.


Once Again, the GS System Is Failing Government

The rigid General Schedule pay schedule makes it difficult for agencies to hire essential medical personnel, especially in rural areas.


Why Federal Bonus Awards Are a Problem

All the evidence indicates agencies do not manage performance effectively.


Government’s IT Problem is Not Limited to Systems

If the technology is obsolete, the employees who maintain it are dinosaurs. Replacing them will require a new approach to pay.