
Financial Services chairman praises GAO for oversight of rescue plan

Watchdog agency has assembled a team of nearly 20 in-house professionals to help oversee the program.


Orszag: Economic mess will change incoming president's agenda

It will be difficult to deal with much beyond the economy in the early stages of the next presidency, budget office chief says.


Budget observers predict crunch on spending

Former OMB director says next president should devise a five-year budget strategy to handle financial crisis in the short-term and provide long-term deficit restraint.


HUD launches new homeowner program

Applicants must have a mortgage that was originated before Jan. 1, and cannot afford their current loan.


Senate leader: Saturday votes on continuing resolution expected

If the Senate approves the measure unchanged, it will go to President Bush for his signature.


Leaders looking for combination of continuing resolution and stimulus

To date, Congress has passed none of the 12 annual spending bills.


House leader outlines emerging disaster relief package

Assistance will help those affected by recent hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires.


Budget office projects record $438 billion deficit

Figure could end up rising if the operations of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are included.


White House sidesteps question on veto of continuing resolution

Administration urges lawmakers to pass fiscal 2009 appropriations bills instead of relying on a stopgap measure.


Appropriators foresee tough times if McCain wins White House

GOP standard-bearer has pledged to veto bills that include wasteful earmarks.


State officials push for overhaul of infrastructure

Executives urge more private sector investment to rebuild roads and bridges.


CBO projects $400 billion deficit, citing tax rebates

The estimate comes about two weeks after the Office of Management and Budget projected that the fiscal 2008 budget deficit would be $389 billion.


White House submits changes to budget request

Recommended increases would be offset with cuts in other parts of the budget.


House passes military construction-VA spending bill

Veterans Affairs would receive $47.7 billion, which is $4.6 billion above the fiscal 2008 funding level.


White House issues veto threat on military construction, veterans measure

If Congress cannot find offsets elsewhere for the legislation, the White House said it also would consider a veto of the remaining 11 spending bills.


White House: Budget deficit will reach $482 billion

The projected fiscal 2009 deficit is about $70 billion more than the deficit estimated in Bush's budget proposal released in February.


Senator holds out hope for finishing spending bills

Appropriations chairman encourages Senate leaders to finish work on the bills, despite a growing consensus that a stopgap measure will be necessary.


House spending bill markups at a standstill

Fight started before the July 4 recess, when Republicans attempted to attach the Interior appropriations bill to the Labor-HHS one.


Senate leader predicts continuing resolution heading into 2009

Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., also said he does not expect Congress to come back for a lame-duck session after the November election.


Montana senator takes appropriations route to protect state phrase

Language in the recently-approved Commerce spending bill would continue the restriction on trademarking "Last Best Place" slogan.