
Senate leader set to force end of debate over omnibus spending bill

The continuing resolution funding most government operations expires on Friday.


Senate rejects GOP attempts to cut omnibus funding

Bill would increase spending by about 8 percent, or roughly $30 billion, over fiscal 2008 levels.


Senate nixes bid to keep agency funding at 2008 levels

McCain is defeated in his attempt to replace the omnibus spending bill, which would increase spending by about 8 percent, with another continuing resolution.


Republicans take OMB director to task on budget assumptions

Peter Orszag defended the figures, saying they are "in line" with those of CBO when the cost of the $787 billion economic stimulus package is added.


President unveils 'honest' $3.55 trillion plan for fiscal 2010

OMB chief says the White House has combed through the budget and located $2.2 trillion in savings.


CBO projects deficits as high as $11.5 trillion over decade

Projection takes into account policies similar to those expected in president's budget blueprint.


House omnibus totals more than $400 billion

Package could be considered by the House as soon as Wednesday and includes the nine spending bills Congress has not approved.


Senate majority leader sees action on omnibus by March 6 deadline

The House is expected to take up the package on Wednesday.


Senate passes stimulus as thorny talks with House await

While the bottom lines of the two bills are close, vastly different priorities could color negotiation.


Bipartisan stimulus amendments draw interest in Senate

Lawmakers might propose cutting money for computers at USDA and the Interior Department, as well as funding for HIV screening, wildlife management and NASA.


Funding for government agencies is among top congressional priorities

In addition to the economic stimulus package, Congress also has to wrap up work on fiscal 2009 appropriations.


Senate appropriators pass stimulus plan over GOP doubts

Appropriations Committee's portion of the package contains $365 billion in discretionary spending.


Senators say new OMB should draft stimulus, work with panel

Republicans on Appropriations Committee say having OMB draft and present a bill would enhance transparency and oversight of the spending in the package.


Senators aim for swift confirmation of budget nominee

Full chamber could consider Peter Orszag, Obama’s pick to lead OMB, as early as Inauguration Day.


CBO sees budget deficit exploding to $1.2 trillion in fiscal 2009

Office also predicts that recession will continue until 2010.


Stimulus price tag might top $1.3 trillion

Measure is expected to include about $500 billion in spending, including funding for road, bridge and school improvements.


Obama names economic team while Democrats plan stimulus

New York Federal Reserve President Timothy Geithner is the choice to lead Treasury Department in new administration.


House Democrats may prepare omnibus bill for January

Goal is to have the nine remaining fiscal 2009 bills ready for Obama to sign shortly after he is inaugurated.


Appropriations seat shuffles under way in both chambers

Republican leaders will have up to eight seats to fill on House panel, while Senate committee gears up for new chairman.


HUD slices $377 million in disaster relief to meet mandated cut

Agency officials decide to dip into the disaster relief pool because it typically takes states a long time to spend those dollars so the reductions would not be felt immediately.