
Lawmakers begin to push back against proposed program cuts

Legislators agree with the reductions in general, but don't want to see programs that benefit their constituents eliminated.


New presidential helicopter would get axed under budget

Program is six years behind schedule and the cost has doubled.


Conferees agree on fiscal 2010 budget resolution

Deal provides $10 billion less in discretionary spending than President Obama recommended in his budget outline.


Senate takes another step toward finalizing spending blueprint

Negotiators have been named to work through differences on issues including reconciliation.


Reconciliation seen as main hurdle for conference talks

While the Senate resolution does not include reconciliation instructions, the House resolution has them for healthcare reform and education legislation.


Report: Congress spent $20 billion on earmarks for fiscal 2009

Alaska led the nation in pork with $322 per capita.


House passes budget resolution as Senate looks to recess exits

House and Senate staffers will begin conferring during Easter recess to work out a compromise version of the fiscal 2010 blueprint.


Panels' budget resolutions heading to floor

Senate Democrats spent the better part of two days fending off Republican attempts to trim spending before passing the plan.


Senate Democrats move ahead on fiscal 2010 budget resolution

Majority leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would not rule out using the reconciliation process if Republicans threaten to block a floor vote.


Panel will consider budget resolution this week

The Senate fiscal 2010 budget resolution does not include measure to evade a filibuster on health and climate change legislation.


Congressional analysts project deeper deficits than Obama

CBO estimates that the fiscal 2010 deficit will be $1.37 trillion.


Blue Dogs issue budget guidelines ahead of fiscal 2010 action

Fiscally conservative House Democrats recommend holding nondefense domestic spending increases in the budget resolution to the rate of inflation.


Panels are planning to consider budget resolution next week

Blueprint will be drafted ahead of Obama's detailed budget request, which is expected in April.


Obama pushes for quick movement on fiscal 2010 spending plan

Floor action on the budget resolution is expected for the week of March 30.


Appropriations chief says prudence dictates looking into second stimulus

Panel is considering its options in case congressional leaders decide another injection of money into the economy is necessary.


Senate OKs bill funding agencies until October

Passage of $410 billion omnibus bill prevents Congress from having to approve another continuing resolution.


Obama calls for earmark overhaul but will sign omnibus

President says bill is "necessary for the ongoing functions of government."


House speaker suggests second stimulus may be needed

Unemployment rose to 8.1 percent in February as the economy lost 651,000 jobs, the Labor Department reported last week.


Senate to vote Tuesday on catch-all spending bill

Lawmakers pass another stopgap measure to keep agencies running until Wednesday.


Senate leader plots endgame for omnibus spending bill

The legislation must be approved by midnight on Friday, when the continuing resolution that has been funding most agencies since October expires.