
House passes bill that increases spending on veterans

Bill typically receives bipartisan support, but this time around Republicans had procedural complaints.


Senate approves Legislative Branch bill, moves to Homeland Security

The $3.1 billion spending measure is the first fiscal 2010 appropriations bill the chamber has approved this year.


Entitlement programs put growing pressure on the budget

Unless the situation is brought under control, other spending will get squeezed, analysts say.


House passes fiscal 2010 Interior-Environment bill

The $32.3 billion measure matches Obama's request and tops the fiscal 2009 amount by $4.7 billion.


Amendment process for DHS spending bills attracts attention

Democratic leaders hope to finish all 12 appropriations measures before end of the fiscal year.


House passes Commerce-Justice-Science funding bill

Lawmakers approve $64.4 billion appropriations measure after taking a record-breaking 53 votes in one day.


Senate approves $106 billion supplemental conference report

Bill includes $79.9 billion for the wars Afghanistan and Iraq and $10.4 billion for the State Department and foreign operations.


Democrats unveil 'pay go' bill with 155 backers

Bill exempts four types of legislation from offsets, including middle class tax cuts and the estate tax.


Senate moves toward vote on compromise version of wartime supplemental

Administration assures GOP senator that if necessary, detainee photos will "never see the light of day."


House passes compromise version of wartime supplemental

Conference report wins approval despite Republican objections over IMF funding.


Negotiators sign off on war supplemental compromise

House Democratic leaders expect the full House to take up the conference report next week.


Tentative appropriations schedule assumes best-case scenarios

Panel chairman anticipates the House passing all 12 spending bills before the August recess.


Spending allocations show boosts for Defense, Transportation

House proposal includes $1.086 trillion in discretionary spending, about $74 billion more than the $1.012 trillion sought for fiscal 2009.


Democrats delay conference on supplemental

Liberal Democrats say they would oppose the bill if it includes a provision allowing Defense to withhold prisoner photographs.


House, Senate Dems tentatively agree on supplemental

Senate majority leader says moving some appropriations bills separately rather than bundling them together will be a priority this year.


Supplemental likely to have $3.1 billion for planes

Negotiators are set to agree to the funding, which was included in the House-passed version of the bill but not in the Senate one.


Senate approves war supplemental, conferees appointed

Action on the bill comes after the Senate Thursday voted 94-1 to cut off debate on the supplemental.


House passes supplemental war spending bill

Senate is expected to consider the measure on Tuesday and the goal is to complete conference negotiations before the Memorial Day recess.


Senator wants supplemental without aircraft add-ons

Inouye says such funding should be included in the regular appropriations process.


New estimate puts deficit at more than $1.84 trillion

Projection has increased by $90 billion since February.