
Senate approves $122 billion transportation, housing spending bill

Next up is the $32.1 billion Interior-Environment appropriations measure, with more votes expected on Tuesday.


Spending bill amendment takes aim at 'czars'

Proposal comes as Republicans have escalated their criticism of the Obama administration for appointing more than 30 czars.


Hoyer: Stopgap spending measure will be necessary

Continuing resolution will be needed to keep agencies running from the Oct. 1 start of the fiscal year until the appropriations bills are complete, House majority leader says.


Group finds earmarks drop in fiscal 2010 appropriations

Total amount of earmark funding for the nine bills fell from $2.87 billion to $1.99 billion.


Hill balks at most Obama budget cuts

Only four of president's proposals to slash nonmilitary spending have been approved.


Appropriators, Obama agree on program terminations

Lawmakers plan to ax 11 of 48 discretionary, nonmilitary programs targeted for elimination by the president.


McCaskill seeks budget chairman's support on pay/go

Senate bill does not contain exemptions for tax and Medicare-related measures included in House-approved version.


Senate approves Agriculture measure, appoints conferees

Amendments adds $350 million to spending bill to increase dairy support prices.


Congress will be hard-pressed to finish spending bills by Sept. 30

Lawmakers say a short-term funding extension is likely, but hold out hope they will be able to pass the appropriations bills individually rather than in an omnibus.


Senate panel sends Labor-HHS, Transportation bills to floor

Committee plans to consider its last spending bill -- the Defense appropriations measure -- in early September.


Senate clears Energy and Water bill, Agriculture up next

Lawmakers approve amendment that requires competitive bidding on projects funded by the Energy bill, with some exceptions.


Senate subcommittee approves Labor-HHS spending bill

The legislation, scheduled for a full committee markup on Thursday, includes $30.8 billion for the National Institutes of Health.


Senate looks to clear two spending measures this week

Energy and Water, Agriculture bills on tap before August recess.


House stays on schedule with spending bills

Appropriations bills are moving along in the Senate, which is likely to take up the fiscal 2010 Energy and Water Appropriations bill next week.


House passes Labor-HHS spending measure

The bill is the 11th of 12 annual appropriations bills that Congress has passed this year.


House passes pay/go bill, but Senate action seems unlikely

President calls the plan a "central budget-reform priority."


House considers pay/go bill

Supports say legislation is integral to deficit reduction efforts.


House approves financial services spending bill

Chamber narrowly passes $24.1 billion fiscal 2010 appropriations package.


Lawmaker prods Dems on bypassing panel with pay/go bill

House Budget Committee ranking member Paul Ryan, R-Wis., says sending bill straight to the floor "sets a troubling precedent."


Spending bills ready for floor with auto dealers' provision

Panel sets ground rules for House consideration of Energy and Water and Financial Services appropriations measures.