
House advances on Interior spending bill, including CR

Current government funding extension runs through the end of this week.


Negotiators agree on plan to fund agencies through mid-December

Stopgap spending measure will be attached to the Interior-Environment appropriations bill and will keep money flowing at fiscal 2009 levels until Dec. 18.


Stopgap measure might hitch a ride on Interior spending bill

Continuing resolution would keep the federal government running through Dec. 15.


Critics take aim at pending spending bills

Senate poised to approve Homeland Security appropriations measure, which would provide $42.8 billion in discretionary funds, and excludes two E-Verify provisions.


GAO: Debt could break record in 10 years

Report cites health care costs and demographic trends as main contributors.


Senator looks to clear spending deck before healthcare debate starts

Appropriations chairman wants to work on the bills one at a time, as opposed to packaging them in an omnibus.


Bid to cut off debate on Commerce-Justice spending bill fails

Democrats accuse Republicans of using legislative stalling tactics.


Senate sends Agriculture spending bill to Obama

Chamber will pick up with Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations on Tuesday.


Deficit triples in fiscal 2009, reaches 10 percent of GDP

Congressional Budget Office says figure is the highest shortfall, relative to the size of the economy, since 1945.


McCain rebuffed on PBS construction funds

Amendment would have cut $20 million in funding for the Public Telecommunications Facilities Planning and Construction program.


Senate again rejects C-17 cut, approves spending bill

House and Senate appropriators already have been working quietly for weeks to resolve differences in the two chambers' versions of the defense bill.


Obama signs bill to keep agencies running

Continuing resolution gives Congress an extra month to pass individual appropriations measures.


Border fence, detainee issues dominate debate

Final Homeland Security spending bill likely will not include funding for physical fencing along the Southwest border, but is expected to include language regarding the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States.


Senate has full plate with Defense and stopgap spending bills

Continuing resolution would fund most agencies at fiscal 2009 levels, but would include a boost for veterans health and the 2010 census.


Senate approves Interior spending bill

Czar amendment is defeated, along with four other Republican proposals.


House passes stopgap bill, deal reached

The package is expected to be considered by the Senate on Tuesday, one day before the fiscal year ends.


Senate is set to limit funding for White House czars

To qualify for appropriations, policy coordinators would have to appear before congressional panels and submit biannual reports to lawmakers.


House aims for Thursday vote on stopgap spending bill

Legislation would keep the federal government running after the fiscal year ends on Sept. 30, giving lawmakers more time to finish appropriations measures.


Senate tees up Defense spending bill

Appropriations Committee chairman says he hopes to bring the bill to the floor as early as Wednesday.


House to take up stopgap spending bill

Continuing resolution is expected to run through the end of October.