
Defense bill breathes new life into canceled programs

Legislation includes $130 million for the troubled VH-71 presidential helicopter program despite White House opposition.


Senate sends omnibus spending measure to Obama's desk

Package contains six appropriations bills that Congress ran out of time to pass individually.


Senate leader files cloture on spending bill with 2 percent pay raise

Vote on the nearly $450 billion fiscal 2010 spending omnibus package is scheduled for Sunday.


House leaders insist on statutory pay/go

Dems want to add to the fiscal 2010 spending package legislation that requires offsets for any tax and mandatory spending bills that increase the deficit.


House approves federal pay raise; sends omnibus to Senate

The package includes six fiscal 2010 appropriations bills and a 2 percent pay raise for civilian employees.


Conferees approve first part of year-end spending package

Omnibus contains six unfinished appropriations bills; second measure will address Defense spending.


House may move soon on first of two omnibus measures

Package is expected to be attached to Transportation-HUD spending legislation and to include five other non-defense appropriations bills.


GOP senators: $7 billion wasted in stimulus

Sen. John McCain blames insufficient provisions for oversight, cost control and competition.


House Dems consider two-part omnibus plan for endgame

Continuing resolution expires Dec. 18 and seven appropriations bills are pending.


GOP appropriator offers plan for funding Afghanistan troop increase

Rep. Jerry Lewis says Congress could free up $35 billion by limiting increases in five nondefense spending bills to 2 percent over fiscal 2009.


Defense measure likely to carry unfinished spending bills

Financial Services appropriations legislation containing the federal employee pay raise is expected to hitch a ride.


Senate approves military construction-VA spending measure

Chamber adds funding to renovate empty buildings to provide housing and services to homeless veterans.


Panel to look into bipartisan debt-reduction commissions

The normal budget process "cannot deal with a debt burden of this proportion," key senator says.


Democrat seeks vote on debt panel deal

Sen. Evan Bayh of Indiana is one of 15 lawmakers looking at a must-pass increase in the federal debt ceiling as leverage for action on commission proposal.


Senate is moving on Military Construction-VA measure

The total funding in the measure is $7.1 billion over the $126.8 billion provided in fiscal 2009.


Senate approves Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill, appoints conferees

The $64.9 billion legislation includes $27.38 billion for the Justice Department.


Senate leader aims for MilCon-VA passage Tuesday

For the first time, the bill includes pre-approved appropriations for the VA's medical programs.


Gates-Holder letter might provide political cover for senators

The Cabinet secretaries oppose an appropriations bill amendment that would block funds for trying suspected terrorists in federal courts.


Negotiators race the clock to finish spending legislation

Five of 12 appropriations bills have been sent to President Obama.


Senate clears Interior bill, stopgap funding

Legislation includes about $11 billion for Interior Department programs and $10.3 billion for the EPA.