
Moderate Democrats pitch bailout repayment bill

Six Blue Dog leaders advocate legislation to recoup the cost of the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program and pay down the growing deficit.


Ways and Means leader is wary of deficit-cutting panel

Rangel says he is concerned about the executive branch encroaching on the autonomy of the legislative branch.


Senate leader throws his picks into deficit commission mix

Republicans are expected to make their selections soon.


Obama creates debt panel

Former Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., and Erskine Bowles, White House chief of staff to President Clinton, will lead commission.


Obama to issue order for deficit commission within 10 days

Democratic leaders have pledged to hold a vote on the panel's recommendations, with the Senate moving first.


House sends debt limit increase, pay/go to White House

Four policy items will be exempt from requirement that new increases in mandatory spending and tax cuts be offset.


Debt limit increase nears final House vote

Republicans accuse Democrats of playing "deceitful procedural games" to advance the measure.


Spending plan attracts bipartisan criticism

Lawmakers say the Obama administration should not count on a presidential commission to bring down the deficit to 3 percent of GDP.


Democrats see key ingredients for passage of 2011 budget

Challenge will be balancing spending to spur job growth with efforts to keep the deficit in check.


Democrats get mixed budget office views on TARP

CBO chief tells senators using TARP money to offset jobs bill would add to the deficit, but jobs package could stimulate the economy and in turn reduce the deficit.


Senate approves debt ceiling increase

Pay/go amendment requires any mandatory spending increases or tax cuts to be offset.


Reaction to Obama freeze proposal comes with caveats

Lawmakers express mixed feelings about effectiveness of president's plan to to freeze nonsecurity discretionary spending.


Congress has light load for State of the Union week

Health care reform is expected to go on the back burner as Democrats regroup.


Bipartisan group announces debt panel

Commission will draw up a package of spending cuts and taxes to be considered.


GOP senator seeks $120 billion in funding cuts

Proposed amendment to debt limit bill would rescind funding for duplicative programs and funding that hasn't been designated for a particular purpose fast enough.


Senator: Obama favors panel on deficit

President is likely to create a commission by executive order if legislation fails, Ohio Republican says.


House majority leader touts deficit reduction commission, pay/go

Comments come as Senate is looking at debt ceiling increase.


Labor leaders pitch health bill concerns to Obama

Union officials are wary of an excise tax provision in the Senate version, which they claim would hit their members and other middle-class workers.


Senate sends Defense spending bill to Obama

Measure will be the last of the 12 annual appropriations bills to be enacted.


House passes Defense spending bill, riders

Chamber also approves five-day continuing resolution to keep the Pentagon running until the Senate passes and the president signs the appropriations measure.