
Deficit reduction commission has first meeting

Republicans are worried Democrats are using the panel as a front to raise taxes.


Republicans agree to keep an open mind on deficit reduction

Democrats on the commission say no ideas should be forbidden from consideration.


GOP House members seek appropriations commitments

Republicans would like Democrats to agree to expeditious consideration of supplemental spending bill and individual action on all 12 appropriations measures.


Senate panel approves budget resolution

Floor time is uncertain because it's unclear how long it will take the Senate to finish financial regulation legislation.


Senate panel approves TARP reduction

Language would eliminate $44 billion in unobligated bailout funds, freeing up the money for other uses.


Senator releases budget resolution in advance of markup

Plan $4 billion cut to State Department budget and other international programs.


Appropriator expects $4 billon fiscal 2011 discretionary cut

The cut would come on top of a White House proposal to freeze nonsecurity discretionary spending for three years.


Junior senator becomes latest Republican to reject earmarks

Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., says though earmarks represent a small fraction of the overall budget, the process is "fundamentally flawed and lacks oversight."


Decision to mark up budget blueprint could come next week

Democrats might decide to forgo a five-year budget resolution and simply tackle discretionary spending for fiscal 2011.


Senator: Deficit panel could slow budget process

Republican argues commission will provide an excuse for Democrats not to pass a budget resolution; Democrats say they still will try to move the budget blueprint.


House majority leader bearish on budget passage

It's hard to get budget blueprints approved in election years, Rep. Steny Hoyer says.


Roster for deficit commission is complete

Commission will present its proposals to Congress by Dec. 1; 14 of its 18 members must agree on the final package.


Chairmen don't expect fiscal 2011 budget resolution until after recess

Health care reform is delaying work on budget.


Republican senators divided on earmark ban

Meeting comes after House GOP lawmakers pledged not to take any earmarks for one year.


Senate approves FAA rider to return unspent earmarks

Plan would require OMB to determine how many similar earmarks there are governmentwide.


White House to post spending bill earmarks

Move is part of a broader effort to boost transparency and accountability.


Blue Dogs advocate three years of spending cuts

The moderate Democrats will suggest reducing nonsecurity discretionary spending by 2 percent annually for three years, and then freezing spending levels for two years.


GOP announces debt panel picks

Congressional leaders have pledged to take up the panel's recommendations before the end of the year and have lawmakers cast an up-or-down vote.


Watchdogs applaud earmark ban, wonder about loopholes

House prohibition could just end up shifting spending directed to for-profits from "one side of the Capitol to the other," one observer cautions.


Proposals to ban earmarks continue to pick up steam

Potential amendment to jobs bill would throw up roadblocks to fiscal 2010 and fiscal 2011 measures that include directed spending.