
House Democrats trim budget by $7B

Budget chairman says he hopes the House will take up the package before the July 4 recess.


House Democrats looking to expedite work on supplemental

Sending the bill to the floor without a markup is a likely scenario for speeding along the war funding.


Senator questions using unspent stimulus money to avoid teacher layoffs

Proposal would just move funds from "one pocket to the other," Education committee chairman says.


House speaker backs giving president power to rescind spending

Speaker supports giving Obama the power to cut funding deemed wasteful from spending bills after they have been signed into law.


House leaders remain undecided on supplemental strategy

Lawmakers are still unsure whether to take up Senate-passed version in lieu of House bill.


Senator is skeptical budget resolution will pass before July break

Five-year blueprint is not on the chamber's to-do list for this month.


Stage is being set for congressional border security battle

Provisions adding funding for border efforts could prove contentious during conference negotiations on the wartime supplemental spending bill.


Final Senate vote looming on war supplemental

House version of the supplemental includes $500 million in border security funding not contained in Senate bill.


Unclear if war supplemental will steer clear of add-ons

One amendment would provide funding to hire more personnel and make improvements inside federal agencies that work on border security issues.


Security-related spending bills are likely to take priority

House majority leader says plan is to pass some appropriations measures before the midterm elections.


Senate Dems weigh including budget blueprint in supplemental spending bill

Resolution would set discretionary spending level for fiscal 2011 and allow appropriators to move forward with annual spending bills.


Parties ponder price of skirting budget vote

Republicans and Democrats weigh the political risks of not passing a fiscal 2011 budget blueprint.


Senate panel approves supplemental, floor fights await

Bill includes $33.5 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and $68 million to help with the Gulf oil spill.


Senator concedes floor time for budget resolution hard to get

Other legislative priorities, including a war supplemental, could crowd out the spending blueprint.


GOP appropriators urge IRS bumps be left out of budget resolution

Increases for enforcement programs would be tantamount to earmarks since they would be set aside for specific purposes, Republicans argue.


Hoyer: War supplemental ready soon

Majority leader says he would prefer the Senate to move the emergency funding bill first.


Majority leader wants budget resolution by Memorial Day

Finding middle ground on discretionary spending levels is proving difficult.


GOP senator blocks disaster relief funding

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., opposes the measure because it would contribute to the deficit.


Congress weighs federal funds for Gulf cleanup

Officials say the full cost of the project still is being assessed.


Lawmaker warns of dwindling time for budget resolution

Decision must come soon for the House to have a chance of passing fiscal 2011 spending bills by August recess, Budget Committee chairman says.