
Pentagon budget planning ‘out of sync’ with operational needs

In a new survey, Defense financial managers say budget process hinders warfighters.


Slow economy hinders refugee resettlement in U.S.

As agencies develop 2011 ceiling for new admissions, they try to address employment hurdles.


IG: Virginia is failing to track Recovery Act program funds

Auditors find serious oversight lapses in Energy’s weatherization assistance program.


The Enforcer

John Morton and his agency have a lot to prove if comprehensive immigration reform is to become reality.


Coast Guard evaluates hurricane impact on Gulf oil spill

Responders shift effort from killing the well to containing it, risking a temporary increase in the flow of oil.


ICE steps up immigration enforcement efforts

John Morton and his agency have a lot to prove if comprehensive immigration reform is to become a reality.


Navy wants to establish a preferred supplier program

Service seeks industry input for creating designation aimed at lowering costs and increasing efficiency.


Washington officials honor incoming and outgoing Coast Guard leaders

Adm. Robert Papp Jr. takes the helm of the service; former commandant Adm. Thad Allen heads to the Gulf.


Study raises questions about military’s brain injury assessment tool

At issue is determining which instrument works best for evaluating mild injuries that can lead to serious impairment down the road.


Salazar orders Minerals Management Service to split three ways

Reorganization aims to separate enforcement, energy development and revenue collection missions.


Customs and border chief faces scrutiny over household staff

Alan Bersin did not maintain proper employment forms for employees, Senate investigators report.


Interior will restructure Minerals Management Service

Reorganization would create an independent safety and environmental enforcement entity.


Pentagon faces major hurdles in meeting greenhouse gas targets

Agencies are waiting for additional instructions from the Obama administration on measuring pollution.


Interior chief orders review of drilling operations

Minerals Management Service faces increased scrutiny for oversight of offshore oil and gas activities.


The Midas Touch

The Innovators NSA nets hundreds of qualified job candidates with Lori Weltmann’s idea to host a virtual career fair.


IG: Agencies lack accurate product efficiency information

Energy’s shortcomings mean federal procurement officials rely on out-of-date specifications.


Agency saves time and money with online recruiting

NSA nets hundreds of qualified job candidates with one employee's idea to host a virtual career fair.


Army releases modernization strategy

Plan describes how the service will rebalance units and adapt Future Combat Systems programs.


Administration weighs response to Arizona immigration law

Homeland Security secretary says law could hurt enforcement efforts by undermining trust in immigrant communities.


IG blasts FEMA for conflict of interests in IT contract in flood insurance program

Office also charges agency with poor oversight and unqualified leadership, which hampered major technology initiative, costing taxpayers millions of dollars.