
Defense is leading the way on clean energy, study says

As government’s largest power consumer, the military services have the most at stake in developing low-cost, low-carbon fuel sources.


Senators subpoena agencies for Fort Hood shooting data

Summons sent to Defense and Justice after months of wrangling over access to investigation information.


GAO: Interior can’t guarantee accurate oil and gas royalty payments

Outdated regulations and policies, and insufficient oversight and training leave staff ill-equipped to measure energy production.


Lawmakers question management, progress at blast injury treatment centers

Pentagon has lagged behind in creating medical centers of excellence; goals remain largely unmet.


Lawmakers propose acquisition overhaul at Defense

Procurement and financial management personnel would see new rewards and consequences for performance.

Pay & Benefits

Senate approves TRICARE legislation

Bill stipulates that military health plans meet new health reform requirements.


Health care reform law’s impact on IRS is uncertain

Agency won’t seize assets or levy bank accounts to force compliance with individual insurance mandate, commissioner says.


Watchdog recommends more enhancements to passenger rail security

TSA should improve preparedness assessments and boost training for local responders, auditors find.


IG: State and local immigration enforcement activities lack oversight

ICE staffing and performance measures aren’t aligned with management responsibilities, report concludes.


Course of Action

To tackle the IED threat, the Pentagon first had to blow up its entrenched business practices.


Under Obama plan, agencies would boost offshore drilling efforts

Interior Department would hold lease sales off the coast of Virginia and in the Cook Inlet in Alaska by 2012, and begin exploratory drilling.


Energy Star program comes under attack

GAO investigators had little trouble getting bogus products certified, raising doubts about the validity of federal efficiency ratings.


TSA nominee withdraws from consideration

Harding’s business dealings had come under scrutiny.


Air Force jet flies on plant oil fuel blend

New mix will be tested across the fleet; service wants to spur domestic development of renewable jet fuel.


Utilities take wait-and-see approach to smart grid investment, survey finds

Executives cite uncertainty over federal energy policy and worry about their ability to recover investment costs.


OMB, Treasury issue guidance for reducing improper payments

Agencies identified nearly $100 billion in improper payments in 2009.


Bill would extend TRICARE coverage to adult children

New Mexico lawmaker introduces legislation to increase maximum age of military dependent health coverage to 26.


Recovery Act auditors aim to strengthen contractor oversight

Tools developed to monitor stimulus spending could have long-term benefits for IGs and financial managers.


House votes to exempt TRICARE from health reform bill

TRICARE and other Defense beneficiaries will not have to purchase coverage beyond what they already have.


Feds stand behind energy savings performance contracts

Despite some problems, the deals are viewed as an essential tool for modernizing facilities.