
FEMA seeks to boost regional offices

Lawmakers praise efforts to decentralize operations, but worry about staffing shortages.


Obama taps former intelligence officer to lead TSA

Labor unions take a wait-and-see approach to nomination of retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Harding.


Delays plague Energy’s Recovery Act spending

Staffing shortages, confusion over labor rules and environmental assessments have contributed to problems.


Alaska to host Interior’s first climate science center

Eventually eight regional centers will help federal land managers adapt to effects of climate change.


Stalled border security nomination worries former commissioners

The 57,000-employee Customs and Border Protection bureau has been without top leaders for one year.


GAO: Federal financial picture is grim

Agencies reported $98 billion in improper payments in 2009; outlays far outpace revenues over long term.


Challenges loom in expanded use of unmanned systems

Senior Air Force intelligence officer raises concerns about joint operations, airspace control.


New Air Force program aims to groom civilian executives

Service will designate dozens of senior positions to serve as stepping stones to the SES.


Agencies issue new rules to boost biofuels production

White House report criticizes fragmentation in federal programs, urges coordinated effort to support emerging industry.


Army study explores deployment stress on soldiers’ children

Researchers find no link between adolescent stress levels and the number of deployments.


Army bases face funding gap this year

Service leaders will shift money from other accounts to make up for shortfalls.


Strategic reviews emphasize risk management

Pentagon and DHS reports highlight the need for better interagency cooperation.


Defense budget tackles major management issues

Department would cut unnecessary programs, kill NSPS and grow the acquisition workforce.


Up in the Air

Unmanned aircraft and vehicles are revolutionizing warfare. But the military is just beginning to confront the institutional consequences.


Feds face steep challenges meeting new pollution targets

Agencies must submit detailed plans by June, describing how they will comply with greenhouse gas emissions standards.


Continuing resolutions could be on the horizon for agencies

Congress is unlikely to pass agency appropriations bills in a contentious election year, expert predicts.


Napolitano: Aviation security tops DHS priority list

Attempted bombing on Christmas Day created a sense of urgency for establishing international standards.


Grim trend in Army suicides continues

The service’s latest data shows an uptick in the number of soldiers taking their own lives.


Fort Hood review recommends action against several officers

Panel finds significant failures that warrant immediate attention regarding alleged shooter's rise through the ranks.


Civil liberties group probes legal basis for drone attacks

ACLU requests casualty data and questions role of contractors in targeted killings.