
Key lawmakers tackle Islamic extremism in the military

In reviewing Fort Hood shootings, Senate committee recommends policy changes at Defense.


Suicide prevention continues to elude Army leaders

Eight active-duty suicides in the first eight days of the year suggest rate is not abating.


President orders agencies to take new security steps

Averted Christmas terror attack revealed failure to understand information agencies already had, review finds.


Heated Debate

Leaked e-mails raise questions about the basis of U.S. energy and science policies.


White House taps new Coast Guard commandant

Vice Adm. Robert Papp would take the helm of a service undergoing widespread change.


Number of Homeland Security contractors raises eyebrows

Lawmaker questions workforce estimates and whether contract personnel are performing government functions.


Budget crunch could force fee hikes at immigration agency

Immigration reforms sought by administration could expand agency’s workload in 2010.


Energy IG issues management alert over weatherization program

Lax controls and poor oversight jeopardize effectiveness of $5 billion stimulus program.


Defense sexual assault programs need more resources, panel says

Department must standardize programs across the services and stabilize funding, according to task force.


Agencies join forces to stop arms trafficking to Mexico

ATF and ICE are putting aside their differences and pursuing a coordinated strategy to stem the flow of guns and drugs across the border.


DHS still struggling with management

Annual IG audit finds limited progress on major management challenges.


Lawmakers question plans for new Walter Reed

Under the 2005 BRAC, Defense is to build a world-class medical facility at Bethesda campus by 2011.


Administration officials defend science in wake of ‘climategate’

Pirated e-mails raise concerns about scientific integrity of data underlying energy policies.


Guns & Drugs

Agencies for the first time are pursuing a coordinated strategy to stop arms trafficking to Mexico.


Interior details onshore oil and gas lease sales for 2010

Sales to include parcels in National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska after a two-year hiatus.


Personnel system under scrutiny in Fort Hood review

Task force will examine alleged shooter’s promotion and whether his patients received adequate care.


GAO: Defense lost track of 72,000 combat medical records

Missing post-deployment health questionnaires help identify issues that emerge over time.


NRC weighs sanctions against VA in prostate cancer treatment errors

Regulator finds several patients might have suffered adverse consequences, including cancer recurrence.


GAO: Costs to implement BRAC have risen significantly

Auditors estimate the long-term savings will be about 70 percent lower than projected in 2005.


Alleged Army gunman’s former patients need follow-up care, observers say

Service declines to discuss steps Army is taking, if any, to help soldiers formerly treated by psychiatrist.