
House lawmakers seek to remove FEMA from Homeland Security

Key senators object to making the emergency response agency an independent entity.

Pay & Benefits

DEA veteran to lead DHS drug enforcement

Selection of Grayling Williams signals commitment to interagency coordination.


Mullen: Afghanistan troop decision likely in a ‘few weeks’

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs lauds troops’ resilience, cites urgent need to address brain injuries.

News And Analysis

Power Hour

President Obama’s energy plans depend on tapping the country’s sun-drenched, windswept public lands.


Agencies to expedite electricity transmission permits on federal land

New process aims to speed up grid modernization and spur renewable energy production.


Defense has vested interest in tracking flu

Military commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan brace for a new enemy: the H1N1 virus.


Navy sets ambitious energy goals

Service officials will consider fuel costs of future acquisitions, as well as contractors’ carbon footprint.


Pentagon extends Army, Marine deployments in Iraq

Prolonged combat tours are having a negative effect on Army re-enlistment rates, new study finds.


Both workplace benefits and demands exceed the norm at NRC

Two new IG reports highlight the promise and peril of working for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.


DHS announces immigration detention reforms

Immigration and Customs Enforcement will centralize and review all detention contracts.

News And Analysis

Fighting Flu

Military commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan brace for a new enemy: the H1N1 virus.


More troops for Afghanistan might not be possible anytime soon

The Army already is deploying soldiers at the maximum rate, new study concludes.


Wars stretch Army and Marine Corps particularly thin

The demand for soldiers in Afghanistan is rising faster than the supply is falling in Iraq.


Controversy over policy czars is misplaced, scholars say

Lawmakers are trying to curb White House officials’ influence, but that’s assuming they actually have some.


Interior launches ethics program

Bureaus have 45 days to submit detailed compliance plans to headquarters.


IG blasts management of Energy’s classified information network

National Nuclear Security Administration program lacks capacity to handle required data.


Interior creates regional centers to cope with climate change

Move aims to improve coordination and data sharing across agencies to protect wildlife and resources.


Top admiral affirms commitment to 313-ship fleet

Anything smaller would jeopardize the Navy’s ability to meet future mission requirements, CNO says.


‘Routine’ Coast Guard exercise sparks alarm

Homeland Security officials will examine how a normal training event in Washington led to fear of a terrorist incident during Sept. 11 memorial ceremonies.


Energy Savings Performance Contracts don’t measure up, IG finds

New report raises doubts about the mechanism many agencies use to finance facilities upgrades.