
Management challenges stymie hazardous waste cleanup

The Energy Department's poor record of overseeing contracts is threatening projects critical to public health and national security.


Military academies report a 64 percent increase in sexual assault reports

Defense officials estimate fewer than 10 percent of incidents are actually reported at the academies.


Defense Logistics Agency relieves key commander

Air Force Brig. Gen. Scott Chambers oversaw troop support contracts worth $14.5 billion.



Decades of poor management at the Energy Department threatens public health and national security.


Army issues revised RFP for ground combat vehicle

Service expects to award contracts in April 2011 to develop new infantry vehicle.


GAO: Uranium Processing Facility faces cost, schedule and technical challenges

Energy is taking steps to reduce risk to project vital to nuclear stockpile management.


Interior to expedite permits for offshore wind energy

Department and state officials will identify Atlantic coast areas most suitable for development.


IG will review BRAC moves in Northern Virginia

Lawmaker called for examination of Army’s environmental assessment supporting relocation plan.


Panel: DHS assessment of biodefense facility falls short

National Research Council says Homeland Security used arbitrary assumptions in evaluating risk.


Mergers and Acquisitions

A new office aims to integrate Homeland Security’s components with improved processes and structures.


White House issues guidance on greenhouse gas emissions

Documents address how to handle leased space, exclusions and other complex issues.


ICE sets record for deporting illegal immigrants

Officials say White House’s immigration enforcement record surpasses that of prior administrations.


Coming soon: Guidance for creating greenhouse gas inventories

Under White House sustainability requirements, agencies must detail emissions.


Soldiers struggle emotionally under stress of war

After nine years of conflict, the Army is grappling with growing rates of suicide, crime and drug abuse in the ranks.


Dark Hour

After nine years of war, the Army is grappling with growing rates of suicide, crime and drug abuse in the ranks.


Finally, Congress approves Coast Guard authorization bill

Four years in the making, measure will allow service to proceed with long-sought reorganization.


Lawmakers tackle interagency reform

Proposed personnel system would integrate national security expertise across government.


Senators: DHS isn’t improving management fast enough

Poor oversight and planning for major Homeland Security programs wastes millions and hinders mission.


Interior institutes scientific integrity policy

Directive applies to political and career appointees and forbids alteration of research data in policy actions.


GAO: Defense finance systems $6.9 billion over budget, years behind schedule

Department works toward financial audits by focusing on budget data and information about mission-critical assets.