
Senator calls for permanent wartime contracting watchdog

Level of waste in Iraq and Afghanistan warrants more focused oversight, says Sen. Claire McCaskill, a former state auditor.


Reorganization of Minerals Management Service raises doubts

Keeping revenue collection and regulatory enforcement within Interior creates a conflict of interest, commissioner says.


More contractors than troops killed during past year in Iraq and Afghanistan

When contractors are counted, total U.S. fatalities in those wars exceeds 7,500 since 2001.


National Guard and reserves need more resources, study finds

Unstable funding, equipment shortfalls, poor personnel management system and war are taking a toll on reservists.


Bill would extend health coverage to adult children of CHAMPVA beneficiaries

Change would mirror health reform law granting coverage to dependent children up to age 26.


Devil is in the details regarding Defense spending guidance

Industry and Congress support the Pentagon’s efficiency initiative goals, but await more information on implementation.


Army seeks hundreds of contracting specialists

Service will insource 4,000 acquisition personnel and hire hundreds more to boost workforce.


New rules aim to rein in Defense spending

Guidance to acquisition staff will affect how the Pentagon spends $400 billion annually on weapons and services.


Agency sustainability plans show the challenges of going green

Accurately gauging energy use is among the difficulties highlighted in newly released reports from 54 agencies.


Interior seeks more resources to oversee offshore oil and gas activities

Request for additional funding and personnel comes in response to oversight board report.


NIH to begin Gulf oil spill health study

Research will focus on workers’ exposure to oil and dispersants, as well as mental health consequences.


Building Boom

Feds are supposed to be leading the way on clean energy, but they’ll have to do more than overhaul outdated facilities.


Nuclear security remains bulk of Energy budget

Nearly three-quarters of the fiscal 2011 budget is slated for weapons programs, nonproliferation and cleanup activities.


Air Force realigns headquarters space functions

Service undersecretary will coordinate operational activities, assistant secretary will manage acquisitions.


Agencies examine combat-related substance abuse

National Institutes of Health and VA will fund research on drug and alcohol abuse associated with military deployments.


Pentagon lacks a comprehensive suicide prevention strategy, report says

Task force finds uneven implementation of programs across military services.


Army cancels ground combat vehicle contract

Service plans to issue a revised solicitation within three months.


Defense agency seeks 10 percent price reduction from suppliers

Logistics officials will focus on “price reasonableness” and signing more long-term contracts.


NIH renews research for countering nuclear threats

Seven institutions will receive funding to develop medical countermeasures for dirty bombs or nuclear attack.


Pentagon pursues productivity growth

As budgets tighten, the Defense Department and its contractors look for ways to cut costs and improve efficiency.